ABC Medical Center and Liga MX unite against childhood cancer

by time news
  • In Mexico, childhood cancer is the first cause of death by disease in children between 5 and 14 years of age and the sixth in children under five.
  • It represents almost 70% of the total tumor burden in these age groups.
  • In general, the chances of cure are greater in girls and boys than in adults.

Soccer is the most popular sport in Mexico because it is followed by millions of people. Although it is sometimes criticized for considering that it is only a means of entertainment, in reality it can also have other functions. Thanks to its convening power, a new initiative to fight against child cancer.

Sport can bring about big changes

In this case, everything starts from an alliance between the ABC Medical Center with LIGA BBVA MX, BBVA and VOIT. This is the campaign “Creando Oportunidades” and the initiative “No Overtime, Find Out and Act” which aims to promote the timely detection of this serious disease.

The welcome was given by Dr. José María Zubiría Maqueo, general director of the ABC Medical Center, who with pride and great emotion assured that in health issues the challenges are enormous and even more so when it comes to diseases associated with children. Commitment is important to save their lives.

“We are an organization that does not seek to profit but to invest in those who need it most, with highly specialized programs in more than 300 cases, annually we give more than 35,000 consultations at a symbolic cost and we serve more than 3,000 families with different programs. We have a great commitment to the community in providing knowledge in order to change lives. We are very happy and grateful to be able to participate in this alliance, because life unites us”.

Motivate timely detections of the disease

For his part, Mikel Arriolapresident of LIGA BBVA MX, mentioned that the ABC Medical Center does a great job of offering treatment alternatives to children and being a great support for families.

“For us, this alliance makes us happy and commits us more to soccer so that there are more children with a timely diagnosis and continue with their treatment. Let the ball roll so that there is a lot of extra time for the children”.

Voit is a Mexican company that makes balls for this sport and they are among the most modern in the world. As part of this alliance, they presented the special blue ball, which will be rolling on the field in the 99 games of the LIGA BBVA MX. It will also be accompanied by a special message at the opening ceremonies of all the games by the girls and boys ambassadors, who mostly fight against child cancer.

Alejandro Casimiro, director of Product Development and Marketing at Voit, mentioned that they promote health through their sporting goods. “This fills us with pride and we appreciate being part of this campaign because together we are going to win this battle.”

Within the activities that make up the initiative that will be carried out for a month, captains of the teams will wear a special badge in the matches and the ambassadors will wear a commemorative shirt.

Various initiatives will be carried out through LIGA BBVA MX sponsors, such as donations of cancer gowns and recycled blankets, volunteering and storytelling programs with LIGA collaborators.

Also read:

The most frequent types of childhood cancer in Mexico

IMSS presents a new program to combat childhood cancer: This is what it consists of

Childhood cancer cannot be prevented, but it can be detected early

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