ABERME workshops on energy efficiency launched

by time news

2023-06-29 09:50:50

Faithful to its mission: to implement State policy in rural electrification and energy management, the Beninese Agency for Rural Electrification and Energy Management (ABERME) proceeded on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 , the launch of training and awareness workshops for various players on energy efficiency. Held at the Agency’s headquarters, this ceremony was an opportunity to present some achievements in the rational use of energy as well as the outlook.


An essential factor for better access to energy for all, not only households but also businesses, efficient energy management occupies the Beninese Agency for Rural Electrification and Energy Management (ABERME). To do this, the agency strives to educate citizens, of various levels, on the issues related to the rational management of energy. It is in this context that the 3rd edition of the “Training and awareness workshops for various actors on energy efficiency” was launched. With 450 participants expected, the 2023 edition of these workshops takes into account several major issues. This involves, among other things, taking stock with public opinion of the status of implementation of the recommendations of the November 2021 review workshop, and outlining the prerequisites prescribed by the the national energy management policy. Priorities that aim to make each citizen ambassadors of the rational use of electrical energy in Benin, an essential factor in sustainable development.

Welcoming the Government for the “break” which, early on, understood this reality by prioritizing the energy sector with four (04) flagship projects in its action plan, one of which is dedicated controlling energy consumption with the aim of reducing peak power demand by more than 80MW by 2030, the Managing Director of ABERME, Gérard Zagrodnik, recalled some of the results already achieved. While stressing that with the reforms and investments undertaken, Benin has gone from zero to a rate of energy autonomy of more than 60%, three years after the entry into force of the interministerial decree on the procedure for importing lamps , individual air conditioners and refrigerators in the Republic of Benin, “to date, ABERME has processed on the GUCE platform more than one thousand four hundred (1400) applications for certificates submitted, of which only nearly two hundred (200) have been approved and have permit to import one hundred and forty-nine thousand six hundred and seventy-five (149,675) air conditioners, more than five thousand (5,000) refrigerators and more than two hundred thousand (200,000) electric lamps of all powers, models and energy classes combined”. To this, he insists, must be added the regularization of the energy efficiency class of the remaining stock of three (03) companies.

Noting that the rate of rejected applications estimated at around 86% is very high, which does not correspond to the real flows in the market, “these figures, he adds, also indicate the need to continue, strengthen and step up training and awareness-raising actions on a national scale for users, actors in the chain of command and the chain of sale on energy efficiency, minimum energy performance standards and new procedures for importing these equipment”. And this is where this 3rd edition of the ABERME workshops finds its full meaning. “Our mobilization today is a duty. Indeed, access to information and training is a right for every citizen. It contributes to the economic and social well-being of the populations, in the same way as education and health”, will add the DG Gérard Zagrodnik before inviting the actors of society to support ABERME in its action. Carrying the path of Prefect Alain Orounla, the SG of the Littoral Prefecture congratulated ABERME for its commitment to boosting access to electricity. “The organization of these trainings reconciles well with our vision which is to promote the entry of efficient and energy-efficient electrical equipment on the national territory and each Beninese wherever he is must ensure this”, a- he added. It is therefore for ABERME, a renewed commitment to serve the energy sector in Benin.

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Q. A.

juin 29, 2023

#ABERME #workshops #energy #efficiency #launched

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