“Aberration”, “ecological and health nonsense”: the left is stepping up against glyphosate

by time news

2023-09-21 20:59:41

The shocking videos and visuals were popular. Thursday afternoon, left-wing MPs and MEPs came out against a proposal to renew the authorization for the use of glyphosate for 10 years, which must be examined by the European Commission on Friday, while the latter considers that the level of risk of this herbicide does not justify banning it.

The coordinator of LFI, Manuel Bompard, opened the ball Thursday morning on France Info by calling on France “to take a clear position against this renewal of this authorization. » Very controversial, glyphosate has been classified as a “probable carcinogen” since 2015 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Pesticide lobbies use considerable financial resources”

“I understand that there may be a difficulty. But also understand that the health risks posed by this product for French people are intolerable and unacceptable,” continued Manuel Bompard. Who sees behind this proposal, which must be validated in October, the power of lobbies. “The lobbying work of this large group Bayard Monsanto has borne fruit (…) Everyone knows that pesticide lobbies at European level use considerable financial resources to influence political decisions,” he maintained.

During the day, he was joined by the head of the Insoumis MEPs, Manon Aubry, describing this initiative as “madness”. “Where is Macron who promised to lead the battle at European level and remains silent? » she recalls. In France, the president committed in 2017 to phasing out glyphosate “at the latest” by early 2021, before going back on his promise.

Since then, Paris has set itself the objective of eliminating the essential uses of this weedkiller. “We will wage battle in Parliament with my Nupe colleagues against this ecological and health nonsense,” promises Manon Aubry.

“We have a month to make things happen”

In the afternoon, environmentalist and socialist MEPs also reiterated their position in favor of the ban. “Pesticides impact health and deplete the soil at an unprecedented speed,” wrote ecologist Mounir Satouri, as did the head of the EELV list for the next European elections, Marie Toussaint. “Total aberration. The European Commission wants to renew glyphosate for 10 years! Its reapproval and for such a period would constitute a violation of the human rights to life and health, and of the rights of the living,” she said.

“We have one month to make things happen,” supported the socialist MEP, Christophe Clergeau. Green MP Delphine Batho has drawn up a proposed resolution to the Assembly “aimed at the non-renewal of the authorization of glyphosate within the European Union. »

Macronists on the same line as the left

Rarely, they are in the same voting position as the presidential camp, which, with nuance, defends the “French model” favoring the alternative to glyphosate. “This is not in line with the scientific conclusions of the EFSA which points to many gray areas in its analysis. This proposal is not acceptable,” underlined Pascal Canfin, president of the European Parliament’s environment committee.

“If there is no modification to this proposal from the Commission, we will vote against,” warned on France Inter the boss of Renaissance, Stéphane Séjourné, very close to Emmanuel Macron, demanding “ counterparties”.

#Aberration #ecological #health #nonsense #left #stepping #glyphosate

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