Abimbola reveals the specificities of Vodun days

by time news

2023-11-30 23:30:51

Views: 8

The Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Jean-Michel Abimbola during the press conference

The historic city of Ouidah hosts the Vodundays, on January 9 and 10, 2024. This event, which aims to be international, was initiated by the government of Benin with the aim of rehabilitating and offering the world the wealth of arts and cultures linked at Vodun. In front of the press on Thursday, November 30, 2023, the Minister in charge of culture, Jean Michel Abimbola explained the context, the program and the measures taken to win the challenge of this first edition.

What you should know: The government of Benin has decided to intensify efforts in the tourism, culture and arts sectors in order to make it a real pillar of economy. Among several of its flagship projects with international influence, the government initiated the ”Vodun days”, to remind people that Benin is the cradle of Vodun. Indeed, this cultural event is the new name of the Vodun festival which was held in Ouidah and throughout the national territory on January 10 each year. Indeed, the ”Vodun days” designed to attract a wider and more diverse audience, aim to celebrate the arts, culture and Vodun spirituality in its momentum of rediscovery and reappropriation of Beninese heritage.

What does the minister say about this event? : According to Minister Abimbola, the ”Vodun days” are part of a global program to promote Vodun heritage. To believe it, this event is the realization of the ambitious “Benin Revealed” program dedicated to revealing the Beninese cultural exception and making it a real pillar of the diversification of our tourist offer. For the minister, the objective sought through this initiative is to break with the “false perceptions” associated with the identity and history of Vodun, engage in a surge of cultural (re)appropriation and reveal oneself as a land of tolerance and religious coexistence. “The fact that other religions prosper in Benin is proof of the tolerance of Vodun… The government is not there to promote a religion. On the other hand, he is there for cultural reappropriation,” he said. Continuing his remarks, the minister noted that the choice made on the city of Ouidah to host the event each year is not insignificant. According to him, Ouidah is known for its status as a city symbol of rehabilitation of the memory of Afro-descendants. “This place is an instrument for promoting the Benin destination,” he said, indicating that this event increases the tourist potential of Ouidah and the influence of the Benin destination. In addition, to make this first edition a success, the minister suggested that committees have been set up.

On the link between the Vodun festival and the ”Vodun days” : During his presentation, the minister announced that the term ”Vodun days” is the new name for the Vodun festival. However, he adds, the ”Vodun days” do not stop the demonstrations of the Vodun festival throughout the territory. According to the minister’s explanations, it is the solemnity which will take place in Ouidah and all Beninese are not obliged to converge in the historic city but can celebrate the Vodun festival as usual in their different zones. According to him, the ”Vodun days” in no way replace the celebration of January 10. “The ‘Vodun days’ are a product, a label, a concept to highlight art, culture and spirituality during a festival in Ouidah,” he says. Concerning the name “Vodun days”, the minister said that the objective is to ensure that the whole world now knows that there is an annual meeting for the arts, culture and Vodun spirituality in Benin. “The practice of Vodun has spread outside Benin and the sub-region in the diasporas (e.g. Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Trinidad, USA and the Caribbean”, supported Minister Abimbola. He did not miss to return to the controversy surrounding the English word “days”, accompanied by Vodun. According to the minister, this expression is known to everyone and it is important to use a common term rather than specific to a country or region. “We “We are addressing Beninese, Togolese, Nigerians, Africans and we are also addressing the whole world. With ”days” it is an opening to the world,” he says.

What is the content of the events: According to the minister, to make this event unforgettable, Minister Abimbola informs that specific arrangements have been made to create a large-scale immersive event. Also, a tour in the “City-Museum of Ouidah” will offer the public a stroll through 4 redeveloped emblematic squares. These are Maro Square, the French Fort esplanade, the Python Temple Square and the sacred forest of Kpassé. A stage on the beach will host Beninese and international artists for fictitious concerts. Likewise, continues the minister, a ”Vodundays” village will be set up with numerous activities as well as the sale of local crafts and even restaurant areas. The highlight of the show, according to the minister, is the ceremonial on January 10 in the presence of high dignitaries and marked with great solemnity with the ritual exit parade from the Vodun convents.

Between the lines : Finally, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Jean-Michel Abimbola, launched an appeal to the Beninese and international community on the true perception of Vodun. “Vodun, with its message of love, humanism, tolerance, and respect for nature, aspires to the full development of the individual in all its dimensions,” insisted Minister Abimbola.

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#Abimbola #reveals #specificities #Vodun #days

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