Abitar March Anticipates Participation of Tens of Thousands Amidst Wave of Terror

by time news

Despite increased security measures during Ramadan, tens of thousands of residents from Judea and Samaria, along with right-wing individuals from across the country, will participate in a massive march today from the Tfumat intersection to the Avitar outpost in Samaria. The outpost was vacated in July 2021 but may be recognized as state land, in which case a settlement yeshiva will be established on the site. Now, right-wing activists from the Nachala movement want to hold an event symbolizing a “return to Avitar”. The IDF has approved the “giant march”, which will be secured by the IDF and Israeli Defense Forces. Seven ministers and fifteen MKs have already approved their participation in the protest. The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, believes that the march is a response to terror that aims to frighten Israelis and expel them from their land. Avitar is considered a symbol of hope for Israelis, and organizers of the protest are calling for more settlements to be established in Judea and Samaria.

Despite the security escalation, at the height of Ramadan and under heavy security, tens of thousands of residents of Judea and Samaria along with right-wing people from around the country, in the presence of ministers and members of the Knesset from the coalition, will participate today in a huge march that will start in the area of ​​the Tfumat intersection and reach the Avitar outpost in Samaria. The outpost was vacated in July 2021, as part of a compromise with the authorities. It was agreed that the state will examine the status of the land as soon as possible, and if the area is recognized as state land – a settlement yeshiva will be established on the site and later a settlement.

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Now the activists of the right-wing Nachala movement want to hold an event symbolizing a “return to Abitar”. The IDF has approved a “giant march” from the Taphu intersection to the Avitar settlement point in Samaria. The IDF and Israel Defense Forces will secure the thousands of participants who will march and demand that the government legalize the illegal settlement. According to the organizers, 7 ministers and 15 MKs have already approved their participation on the march Among the participants will be religious Zionist rabbis and activists of dozens of right-wing organizations.

Benjamin Netanyahu on the security tensions (Photo: Omer Miron, PM)

The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, said yesterday: “Precisely these days – the spirit is lifted! We take the Israeli flag and march to Avitar. I congratulate the ministers of the government and the members of the Knesset who join this all-important call: to establish new settlements, to settle Avitar. This is the Zionist civic response To the terror that tries to frighten us and expel us from our land. In difficult days for the people of Israel, when the enemy tries to subdue us, make us freeze and run away, right now we raise our heads. The Jewish people cannot be broken – the people of eternity.

“Avitar is our wake-up call. To stop the decree of drying up that we imposed on ourselves and to establish new settlements in Judea and Samaria. To allow the residents of Avitar to return to their homes, and to regulate the settlement as the government promised.” MK Tali Gottlieb (Likud) tweeted: “There is nothing more important than strengthening settlements in Judea and Samaria precisely at this time and precisely so that our enemies will see that settlement is a sacred value. You won’t see PLO flags there, no curses and no hate speech – only love for the Land of Israel. Come!”.

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