Abnormal heat at Christmas, here are the health risks

by time news

For Italy it was a December with temperatures above average and with peaks, especially in the South, which made the ‘scent’ of spring feel more the Christmas air. But does this climatic anomaly also have effects on health? “If we consider respiratory viruses, therefore also Sars-CoV-2, the fact that it’s hot at Christmas isn’t a negative, let’s just think about the possibility of being outdoors more. If, on the other hand, we think of sudden changes in temperature, these can be potentially harmful, especially for the cardiovascular system”. The answer is Francesco Dentalipresident of the Federation of Associations of Internal Medicine Hospital Managers (Fadoi), the scientific society of Internal Medicine.

“When temperatures are clearly above the seasonal average, some insect vectors of viruses also re-emerge – recalls Dentali – I am thinking, for example, of the mosquito. But one of the most visible effects of the temperature changes perceptible in these periods is the one on the heart: going from a few degrees to 20 or vice versa puts a strain on the organ, especially for those with cardiovascular fragility”.

2022 is on the way to becoming the hottest year in Italy’s history, at least since 1800, the year in which slightly more precise measurements began on average. The last week of the year, in fact, was throughout the country and will increase the average temperature of 2022. “The message that comes from this anomalous heat, however, is not positive – concludes the president of the scientific society of internal doctors – It means that the climate change that everyone fears for its negative effects is getting closer and closer”.

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