Abortion and guns are topics that most divide Brazilians, says Datafolha

by time news

2023-07-01 20:22:04

Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil – 05/09/2019

Access to firearms causes disagreement among the population

The two themes that most polarize Brazilians are access to firearms and the right to abortion, according to a Datafolha survey released this Saturday (1st) by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

Despite being divided on these themes, the interviewees agree on contradictory themes. In general, the Brazilian defends the acceptance of homosexuality, but is against gay marriage, just as he agrees that blacks have less access to the job market, but thinks that nowadays racism is seen in everything.


Regarding abortion, there is division. 44% of respondents think that women should have the right to decide about abortion – about 25% completely agree and 20% partially agree.

On the other hand, 52% are against the right of women to decide about abortion, with 39% certainly against it and 13% in parts.

Agreement with women’s rights is higher among young people between 16 and 24 years old (61%), the more educated (59%) and Lula voters in the 2022 second round (54%). On the other hand, support drops among evangelicals (30%), Bolsonaro voters (35%) and the poorest (39%).


With regard to access to firearms, 50% are in favor (33% fully and 17% partially), while 48% are against (37% very much and 11% partly).

Among Bolsonaro voters, 67% are in favor of releasing weapons, against 62% of the opposing lulists.

Brazilian certainties

The survey shows that there are some issues on which most Brazilians agree, even if they are quite contradictory to each other.

For example, 78% of the Brazilian population believes that blacks have less access to jobs than whites, but at the same time, 75% agree with the phrase “nowadays, people see racism in everything”.

The same contrast is seen in another clipping. While 75% of people say they are in favor of accepting homosexuality, 72% agree with the idea that a family is only made up of a man and a woman.

Faith is also another topic that generates agreement among Brazilians. For 84% of those interviewed, “the church should be part of people’s life plans”.

The highest agreement rate found in the survey was about supporting women in leadership positions, with 94%. The admission of global warming reaches 90% of Brazilians.

On the other hand, 78% of people think that vaccination in themselves and their children is a personal decision, while 72% think that environmental laws should be more flexible to favor agribusiness.

The Datafolha survey interviewed 2,010 people in 112 cities between June 12th and 14th. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.

#Abortion #guns #topics #divide #Brazilians #Datafolha

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