Abortion and the ban on bullfighting will be debated within the framework of the LFI parliamentary niche, but not the minimum wage or the “Uber Files”

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For lack of time to debate, La France insoumise (LFI) finds itself forced to choose its fights. The LFI deputies decided to withdraw the first two texts which appeared on the agenda of their day reserved for Thursday at the National Assembly.

The first debate initially planned was a request for a commission of inquiry into the “Uber Files” and the role of Emmanuel Macron in the establishment of Uber in France; the second proposed raising the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net, a strong marker for the Insoumis. Their withdrawal brings up the proposal to include the right to abortion in the Constitution at the top of the texts of their “parliamentary niche”, a day allowing a minority group to set the agenda for the National Assembly.

It also opens the possibility of beginning the examination of the following text, that proposing the total prohibition of bullfighting in France, which unleashes passions and divides the different political groups.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers LFI’s parliamentary niche upsets the balance of the National Assembly

“We could debate the minimum wage, you prefer bullfighting”

The “niche” must end no matter what at midnight and with the hundreds of amendments tabled by their political opponents on these various texts, the LFI group feared that it would not be able to complete the examination of the proposal. constitutional law on the right to abortion. However, it is the one that has the best chance of being adopted, a majority of deputies being in favor of it, despite the strong reluctance of the right and the far right.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers On abortion, Marine Le Pen changes position and proposes to constitutionalize the Veil law

The text on the minimum wage, which was the subject of more than a hundred amendments, had no chance of being adopted, even if LFI wanted to be able to debate it in the hemicycle. The choice of bills to save has also caused some internal tensions, the mélenchonistes being torn between the desire to take advantage of a platform to hammer home their social measures and the possibility of adopting societal texts with high media visibility. .

« I know that I was not going to win, but I thought it was not a bad discussion. It would interest me, for example, to know why the RN refuses to increase the minimum wage “tried to defend the author of the text on the minimum wage, the elected “rebellious” of Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière.

At the opening of the discussions on Thursday, the choice to prioritize the debate on bullfighting against that on the increase in the minimum wage was underlined in the ranks of the right and the far right. “We had the opportunity to discuss the minimum wage, you prefer bullfighting”, mocked the deputy Les Républicains (LR) Marc Le Fur. “The poor, purchasing power, all that in reality, it was a very relative center of interest for the colleagues of LFI”criticized the elected National Rally (RN) Sébastien Chenu.

Will the debate on bullfighting come to an end?

In the end, it was therefore the ban on bullfighting that was imposed. But between a tight agenda and the parliamentary obstruction denounced by LFI, this debate is not even certain to go to an end. Despite its unique article, the text against bullfighting is covered with more than five hundred amendments, mainly from elected officials, RN and Renaissance, from bullfighting regions.

“If this text is not voted on or examined, it would be a shame for the national representation”, castigated in advance the deputy for Paris Aymeric Caron, whose bill was rejected for the first time in committee on November 16. But ” the fight “ against bullfighting “will continue the next day” with another initiative “which will interest the French”promised the former journalist.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Aymeric Caron, on a crusade against bullfighting

two hundred and eighteen elected “of different sensitivities and territories”, including the former Macronist minister Christophe Castaner and the boss of the LR senators Bruno Retailleau, signed a platform for bullfighting and against “ecototalitarianism”. But in the different political camps, the subject is embarrassing, and the freedom to vote is in order. On the left, LFI and environmentalists support the ban, like a majority of French people according to the polls. The Socialist Party is divided and the Communists rather against the ban, like the boss of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, who sees it as a “beautiful debate on the relationship between man and animal”, most “will not vote for the ban”. If there is a vote.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Catalonia, bullfights are ancient history

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