About 10,000 young people ignore Carnival to praise God

by time news

While Carnival attracts people who do not know the good and perfect will of God, millions more are attracted by the desire to know and praise Jesus Christ. That’s what about 10,000 young people who participate in the Arena Jovem, at Igreja Sara Nossa Terra, in Brasília, do.

This year’s event in the federal capital brings together an audience that prefers to ignore the worldly offerings of Carnival in order to focus on establishing a committed relationship with God.

“For people in the Christian milieu, it is something incredible. There are many guests from outside, like singers. The crowd is very attached”, commented make-up artist Giovana Nunes, 21, who participates in the program.

Featuring 20 special guests over three days, Arena Jovem follows the same logic as the traditional camps, or spiritual retreats, held by many churches during the period of Carnival.

The idea is to take advantage of public holidays to strengthen coexistence among the faithful, as well as to deepen biblical learning, usually in more reserved places or in the church’s temple, through differentiated and more informal programs.

In the case of Arena Jovem, which was conceived years ago by Bishop Lúcia Rodovalho, the program takes place every Saturday, but it is during Carnival that the event has a different format.

“It is a Christian event to receive God. They are all very happy, it is the energy of the Holy Spirit”, said Pastor Priscila Rodovalho about this year’s program in Brasília, according to Correio Braziliense.

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The pastor explains that young people do not need the illusory joy of Carnival, but the “presence of God” in their lives. In addition to reaching 100 thousand people online, according to the organizers, this year’s Arena Jovem should impact at least ten thousand souls in person.

“There is a different way of celebrating carnival”, says Priscila Rodovalho. “Young people receive the presence of God to leave here and face the battle of life. They will come out renewed.”

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