About emigration and not only…

by time news

In the last days of February, Julija Miliūtė, the author of autobiographical books about emigration, who returned to Lithuania for a short vacation, visited the Šilavotos library.
The writer told when and why she decided to emigrate, what feelings tormented her at that time. All three books written by her were discussed: “Emigrants. Do strawberries turn into Ferraris?”, “Emigrants. Why am I still there?” and “How a dream turns into reality”. The author read an excerpt from her latest book, which will soon reach the publishing house.
Listening to Julija Miliūtė’s story about emigration made a lump in my throat more than once. How much has been experienced, lived, how is going and still going towards the dream. And yet, when her friend Vaida Kazlauskienė from Šilavotos asked when she would return, she answered without hesitation – she will definitely return. She said she dreams of a small hut in Lithuania, where she can grow old and where roses grow next to her. The listeners replied that there are also such in Šilavot, so maybe one day we should visit…
Having been through a lot, but full of optimism, good mood, extremely warm and sincere – that’s how we got to know Julija Miliūtė. During the meeting, the songs performed by Vytautas Trakymos perfectly reflected the topic under discussion. Probably more than one had tears in the corners of their eyes. It is sensitive to talk about experiences when the closest ones – children – are listening. The author was happy with their support and presence during the presentation of her books. And it gives the readers an opportunity to get to know the writer even more closely.
I sincerely thank you, Julia Miliūta, for the warm meeting. Extremely nice acquaintance.
I am glad that in cooperation with the Šilavotos Davatkynas community we can create such memorable moments. Thanks to everyone who responded to the invitation.
Kristina Tamašauskiene

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