Abramovich evaded: the value of the yachts confiscated from the Russians

by time news

Roman Abramovich (Wikipedia / DCwom)

Right from the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the beginning of the imposition of sanctions on Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich transferred the two yachts he owned from Barcelona, ​​Montenegro and now to Turkey. Many did as the Russian-Israeli billionaire did, but some failed in the task and led to many yachts being confiscated by EU countries.

These are yachts worth over $ 2 billion ($ 2.249 billion to be exact), all of which have been confiscated by EU countries since Russian President Vladimir Putin opened war on Russia in late February.

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According to Bloomberg News, at least 13 yachts have been confiscated or stopped by EU countries and in particular the United Kingdom, with a value ranging from $ 8 million to a peak of $ 606 million for one yacht.

And who is the biggest beneficiary? According to reports, the owner of four of the yachts is Spain, which owns a yacht called Lady Anastasia, linked to Alexander Mahib, valued at about $ 8 million. Spain also owns the Valeria ship, valued at $ 95 million by Sergei Chamzov, as well as the tango yacht linked to Victor Wexelberg, which is worth the same as Chamzov’s. The most expensive yacht Spain owns is Crescent, which is worth no less than $ 468 million and is linked to Igor Sachin.

France next in line after Spain, owning three yachts with the most expensive of which, Amor Viro, also linked to Sachin, is valued at $ 125 million. Italy also owns three yachts, the most expensive of which is valued at $ 575 million, while Germany owns the most expensive yacht of all, worth no less than $ 606 million.

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