In a step that reflects the Ministry of Health’s commitment to improving performance and raising the quality of health services, a contract Deputy Prime Minister of the National Unity Government and Acting Minister of Health, Ramadan Abu Jannah, held an expanded meeting to develop radical solutions to the challenges of the health sector, in the presence of deputy ministers and directors of departments and offices.
The meeting discussed “the major challenges facing the Ministry, starting from technical and administrative problems to operational obstacles. The discussions centered on developing thoughtful mechanisms to overcome these challenges, identifying deficiencies and addressing them radically to ensure the flow of work and achieving efficiency.”
During the meeting, Ramadan Abu Jannah stressed “the necessity of adopting a participatory methodology that relies on concerted efforts between various departments and offices, stressing the importance of innovation in providing solutions and speed of implementation.” He pointed out that the Ministry places the interest of the Libyan citizen at its top priority, and that this stage requires everyone’s solidarity to achieve a qualitative shift in health services.”
The meeting witnessed “the presentation of practical proposals by attendees, which focused on strengthening coordination mechanisms, improving the work environment, and accelerating decision-making in line with the Ministry’s strategic vision.”
This meeting comes “within the Ministry’s plan to achieve Vision 2025, which focuses on developing health services, raising their quality, and ensuring the provision of comprehensive health care for the Libyan citizen.” It is also part of a series of periodic meetings aimed at establishing transparency and teamwork, and enhancing the Ministry of Health’s ability to face challenges and improve the health system in Libya.”
Last updated: December 31, 2024 – 17:51
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