Abu Mazen at the UN: Lapid’s position made me happy, but the warning

by time news

The head of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, spoke today (Friday) at the UN General Assembly. In his speech, he claimed that the Palestinians are interested in living in peace with Israel, but “there is no partner from the other side.” Referring to Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s speech yesterday, Abu Mazen said that he was happy with the position of the Prime Minister, But the real test is returning to the negotiating table immediately.

What is Lapid trying to achieve with the two-state solution speech? | Interpretation

Abu Mazen also announced that he is renewing his request to be accepted as a full member of the United Nations. He also emphasized his demand that Israel uphold the partition plan as approved by the United Nations in November 1947 and the right of return.

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, on Abu Mazen’s speech: “A delusional speech full of lies.” uses the UN stage to incite against Israel and support the terrorists it finances. The Palestinian move to force full membership in the UN will fail.”

In his speech at the UN General Assembly yesterday, Lapid expressed support for the vision of the two states: “Economic and military strength allows us to strive for peace. An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples – is the right thing for Israel’s security, the Israeli economy and the future of our children.”

In his speech, Lapid addressed Israel’s criticism of the two-state vision: “Despite all the obstacles, even today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of the two-state solution. I am one of them.” After presenting the vision for the agreement with the Palestinians, Lapid presented a condition: “We only have one condition – that the future Palestinian state be peace-loving. Lay down your weapons and there will be no restrictions.”

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