Abuse, psychological abuse in sport or the other side of the coin

by time news

2023-04-25 11:34:50

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Abuse of power, physically inhuman training methods or psychological abuse. In The reverse of our medals, the former judoka Patrick Roux brings together edifying testimonies. Beyond judo, all sports are concerned.

Acts of violence in high-level sport are no longer taboo since the shock testimony of the skater Sarah Abitbol, concerning the sexual violence she suffered when she was a minor from her trainer. But violence in sport is not only sexual: it is also physical and moral. Several victims practicing judo have decided to testify in the book of Patrick Roux, former European champion and world bronze medalist.

“It disgusted me with my sport”

In The reverse of our medalsthis former executive of the French Federation publishes accounts of judokas describing the humiliations, insults or corporal punishment they suffered during their passages in the Espoirs poles, the pre-training structures intended to lead young people to the top level.

Among these testimonies, that of A., 17, during an internship with the French team in 2001 or 2002. We were like cattle, meat, we were insulted and called “fat cow” etc. If I had the choice, I would have stopped sooner. It made me sick of my sport. (…) What I suffered causes significant psychological damage ».

Patrick Roux, who has worked as a coach in France, Great Britain and Russia, believes that the time for change must happen as soon as possible. “ In the world of sport, everyone knows each other. You are an athlete and sometimes you become an administrative executive. And we met the accused. We must break down taboos and recognize the facts, and therefore the victims “, he advances to RFI. Patrick Roux founded in 2020 the association “Artémis sport” intended for victims of violence in sport and whistleblowers. Since 2020 and the Abitbol affair, 900 reports (all sports combined) have been sent to the competent authorities.

« The flow does not stop. Often leaders look at us and tell us that we are here to make a fuss. We have been called liars. Yet it takes courage for victims to testify. We must not hide our face, we are in a market, and customers buy licenses. So, as a federation president, this is not good publicity », explains Patrick Roux.

The reverse of our medals. © Dunod Publishing

From lack of appreciation to outright humiliation

In 2021, a study conducted at European level argues that a large majority of children who have practiced a sport have been victims of psychological or physical abuse.

Out of 10,000 people from six European countries, nearly two-thirds of those questioned said they had suffered psychological violence. At the same time, 44% say they have been victims of physical violence, according to work by Edge Hill University, located in the northwest of England.

The most common form of abuse, defined as psychological, ranges from lack of appreciation on the part of coaches to outright humiliation. The highest incidence of abuse is seen in children who have participated in international competitions.

Respect for the psychological character of athletes at each age

The study indicates that abuse took place most often within the structure of clubs and sports organizations, and boys are more likely to be abused.

« There are still coaches who harass youngsters who are not psychologically equipped to withstand such pressure. They will get demotivated. And even get depressed, and that’s very serious. I believe in the educational and social values ​​of sport. I cannot accept what is happening. The bottom line is to take collective responsibility and ask the right questions in the face of these abuses. “says Patrick Roux.

Faced with this observation, how can this violence be limited? ” We must listen to the victims in order to draw conclusions and analyze them. In the countries of the English-speaking world-Saxon, they explored sport through science and developed a concept of a long-term training path, respecting the psychological character at each age. There should be a tool on the development project for young athletes in France in each federation. This should even be enshrined in the law of sport. We will not get out of this if we do not put a red line in the world of sport. The laws of the Republic must not escape the world of sport. The Olympic medal should not forgive everything », replies Patrick Roux.

For the time being, Patrick Roux denounces the lack of support for victims. ” This is why many of us already think that it is necessary for this fight, this cause, to become a political issue, and not a legal and administrative problem. “, he writes in The reverse of our medals.

The reverse of our medalsPatrick Roux and Karine Spotting

Edition Dunod

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