Academy of Arts Tomasenen nola

by time news

Sunday, February 19, 2023, 12:11

Cinema, like cats, has many lives. Eleven ways of life. Habitat (place to survive, better said almost and maybe) they knew. And often these shelters, these hostels, these occupied places/non-places are not, in any way, the ordinary, common rooms next to our houses or the cheap and luxurious shopping centers that are usually so far from the city, town, life itself. less mainstream areas where tickets are expensive.

no Cinema can reach life, magic, the enchantment of images and sounds everywhere. Anywhere In the party barracks. In the palaces On the white walls of town squares. On our larger or smaller screens inside the home, on our pocket devices. A patched sheet hanging from the ceiling of a hut.

Silver emulsions were used in screens in the past. That’s why in English, next to the word ‘screen’ another one often appeared, ‘silver’. Because the cinema screen is not an ordinary screen but a magic silver mirror.

The film ‘Samsara’ sponsored by the production company called Sr y Sra, which currently has its nest, headquarters, trampoline and laboratory in Donostia, takes part in the Berlin film festival. It has its first performance today. Tomorrow, the second one. Lois Patiño, who was born in Galicia, and Xabier Erkizia, born in Lesaka, Navarre, present us with an unusual image and sound proposal. Therefore, the place that will appear for the first time in front of people cannot be ordinary. ‘Samsara’, after the death of the body, free but at the same time lost, terrified, without knowing the direction, tells the journey of the soul that remains, this one of the gems of the very special ‘Encounters’ series created last year by the Berlinale for experimental film creation. .

Silver emulsions were used in screens, which is why ‘silver’ often appeared next to the word ‘screen’

‘Samsara’ has found protection and hospitality at the Akademie der Künste (Art Academy) in Berlin’s Parister Square. Trench as well. It’s not a special place. It was founded in 1696, encouraged by Frederick II of Prussia. The name, as always, defines him. It says ‘Art’. In the plural Therefore, it gathers all the arts in its headquarters in Paristerplatz and also in the other one in the Tiergarten park. And we are not only talking about these seven customary arts. no We are also talking about photography, which is the eighth. The Academy is also responsible for the comic industry, which is the ninth. This initiative also has something to say about the digital creation influenced by today’s and tomorrow’s technologies, where Bertolt Brecht and his friends acted freely, easily, provocatively, rigorously, wildly.

But the cinema does not end under the sky above Berlin. And not all movies are shown in the square of Paris.

no Thank you For example… As soon as the Carnival is over, next Thursday, February 23, the screen will be occupied by Ander Iriarte’s ‘The Blue Folder’, which has been shown and glorified at film festivals in Donostia, Biarritz and Amsterdam, at the Tomasene Kultur Etxe in the Altza district of Donostia.

There are people behind, in front of, on the side of this documentary who have made a great and extensive commitment to society, historical memory, the people, our History, our stories, our pain and all our joys, image, sound, different audiovisual languages. Guarantee and support. On the one hand, ‘Echevarriatik Etxeberria’, ‘Emarri’ or ‘Otsoko’, the Mirokutana production company founded by Ander himself, who is the author of many works. Without forgetting Irusoin.

It is a work about the torture suffered in the Basque Country. the report Complaint. Deep research

Behind the camera, camera in hand and around his neck, Ander himself, the son of ‘Bikila’, was a real warrior. In screenwriting, Jorge Gil Munarriz and the anthropologist Olatz Retegi, who completed his doctoral stay at the World Organization Against Torture, wrote the script for the films ‘Sueñan los androides’ or ‘El método Arrieta’. Among the official sponsors, the Gogora Institute, the French Center National Du Cinema, various institutions of Nouvelle Aquitania, some others from Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country…

It is a work about the torture suffered in the Basque Country. the report Complaint. Deep research. Based on Psychology, Neurology, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychotherapy, Political Science, Psychiatry and other Sciences. There are testimonies, of course, but it goes beyond, far beyond, using film, image, sound, technologies and graphics easily and flawlessly, tools, media, weapons, formats.

Plays beautifully with the game camera, sound devices. For example, in Francisco Gimenez’s declaration of ‘Patxi’ there is a very cinematic moment; suddenly the words fade away. Better said, they are silenced by Iriarte and Unai Gimenez, the sound supervisors. Then, right there, Patxi’s gestures, the movements of his arms and eyes, only the trembling of his mouth give us the news and the deep meaning of what he is telling. Later, friends, we will recover the music created by Paula Olaz.

There is another terrible moment. In the beginning Full of meaningful shots close to the bike.

It is the research done on the audio-visual language that will be shown in Altzako Tomasen on Thursday. And then the conversation. with Ander In the houses of Akademie der Künsten Kultur, cinema knows how to survive.

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