AccessCo, rumors: Draghi contrary. In Pnnr the distance on Open Fiber-Tim

by time news

Twist in the text delivered to Brussels for Recovery Fund. Bearing in mind the positions expressed on the subject by the Minister for Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti and the one for the digital transition Vittorio Colao, he first Mario Draghi in the long dossier to receive EU funds, a total of 221 billion due to Italy, has deliberately omitted one aspect that in the old government Count-bis seemed central, there is no more trace of the unique network in the specific formula of AccessCo, the project defined by Tim and Cdp in August last year and which provides for the merger between the network of the telephone company, FiberCop and Open Fiber, now majority Cdp.

The intervention of the Pnrr – reads on Republic – is placed in the in the wake of the challenging objectives defined at European level and in the awareness that ultrafast broadband networks are one General Purpose Technology“. Pagina 98 del Recovery Plan. This sentence, inserted in the chapter concerning the Digitization according to the group’s newspaper Gedi is not made by chance: the plural, “networks”, it is not used incidentally. And the reference to the objectives “defined at European level” is not the result of a stylistic concession. Although it should be emphasized that when we talk about ultra-broadband we mean both fixed and mobile networks (5G).


The goal is also, not only, the famous single network that should have been born from the union between Open Fiber and Tim’s network. And that the government’s plan, just transmitted to Brussels according to some interpretations, has essentially filed away. Second Bloomberg, the Prime Minister Mario Draghi would be willing to abandon the project of the single national network controlled by Telecom. Group in which i the first shareholders are Vivendi’s French.

The essential core of this choice – he continues Republic – is mostly gained in the European Commission. The hypothesis that a single network was created, held by a “vertically integrated” subject like Tim, had never been appreciated. Indeed, the message arrived in Rome quite explicitly. Of course, nothing official.

Also because the offices of the European Union in these cases intervene when the problem arises concretely and not as a preventive measure. In any case, precisely to avoid problems at a later stage, the danger that the Community Antitrust could declare itself against was reported in a diplomatic but timely manner. Now the government is expected to clarify this point even if it has decided not to comment in the first place.

“We have a scenario in front of us that we want to bring fiber, mobile band, any solution technologically capable of giving ultra-broadband to everyone, regardless of where they are. We will do it with tenders and subsidies that can go to competing operators, in collaboration , in consortium. We will see it when the tender arrives, but our objective is political and country not of corporate structures or corporate structures “, commented the Minister for Technological Innovation Vittorio Colao on the topic.

In the meantime, the effects are felt on the Stock Exchange: at the sound of the bell the title Tim was priceless. It then opened lower and was suspended again with a theoretical drop of over 9%. At mid-day it marks a drop of 5.77%.

(Continued: analysts’ opinions)

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