According to Ersin Karabulut, “the political atmosphere has never been so heavy” in Turkey

by time news

Courrier international : Is it essential to go through history to understand the Turkey of today that you describe in this comic strip?

Ersin Karabulut : I travel abroad frequently and see how little people know about Turkey and its history. They often ask me about the mode: “How did Turkey get here? Why don’t people take to the streets to protest? However, to understand the reasons for this apathy, this passivity, this confusion and this fear, a detour through history is essential.

However, it is not a history book, but a kind of humorous autobiography.

Yes, I don’t have the skills to write a history or sociology book. I therefore tell the story that I know best: mine, with the time in the background. I think that to capture and maintain the reader’s interest, to really arouse their curiosity, you have to

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