Accounts blocked. Emigrants must update savings certificate data

by times news cr

2024-04-17 12:44:57

It’s not just traditional bank accounts – such as current accounts – that can have access blocked in Portugal if you don’t update your personal data required by the respective bank. Anyone who has savings certificates, including emigrants, must also update this with CTT, if they do not want to run the same risk of having their access to this type of investment and savings hampered.

As reported by the JN, anyone who has savings certificates and goes to a CTT branch to subscribe or redeem these certificates may be asked to update their personal data, similar to what is happening with accounts in other banks. Access to savings certificates may be difficult due to the lack of updating of this data.

The reason, explains the newspaper, is the fact that bank accounts also include savings accounts, which are therefore covered by measures to combat money laundering. Therefore, failure to update the data may result in the account being frozen by the Treasury and Public Debt Management Agency (IGCP).

According to the IGCP’s explanation, the legislation in force (articles 24 and 40 of Law no. 83/2017, of 18/8) determines that this body is obliged to “have the Holder’s updated, accurate and complete identification elements of the Savings Account”.


What should you do to update these accounts

To avoid blocking access to certificates, it is recommended, from the outset, that the holder of the Aforro Account, or his representative, inform the IGCP of any change to his or her identification details, such as the name, type, number and validity of the certificate document. identification, tax identification, tax address, profession and employer.

Any change regarding the bank account IBAN for crediting interest, redemptions and refunds of Savings Products must also be indicated, as well as at least one of the most direct contact details – email and/or mobile phone number.

In addition to the holder of the Aforro Account, updating or changing the identification data registered in the account can also be done by “the legal representative of the accompanied minor or adult, when applicable, or by an attorney with specific powers to carry out the act” under the terms provided for. in point 15 of IGCP Instruction No. 1/2023“upon delivery of documents proving the data to be changed, with copies of the same being in the process”.

Where to update data and how to detect missing information

It is the Aforro Account holder who is responsible for requesting the registration and updating of identification details. This procedure can be done in CTT stores.

The IGCP also provides the AforroNet, a free service that allows members to make subscription and redemption requests for dematerialized series of Savings Products (Treasury Certificates and Savings Certificates of series E and F), as well as various consultations on the savings account, including identification elements and the portfolio of savings products. It is also possible to access statements at the beginning of each month and to issue an annual income statement.


The documents you need to present to update the data

To update or change the data (model 701), you must go to a CTT Store, with the following identification documents and respective proof:

  • Personal identification: National identity card or citizen card, passport or European Union identification document or residence permit, in the case of foreigners with resident status in Portugal.

  • Portuguese tax identification: Taxpayer card or citizen card.

  • Proof of address: Electronic reading of the citizen card, certificate extracted from the finance portal, or IRS assessment note (last year delivered).

  • Proof of profession and employer: Pay slip or professional card issued by an official body or professional card issued by the employer (indicating the name of the employer), or declaration from the employer or professional identification card issued by a professional order or updated certificate from the company’s commercial register, if whether they are partners, managers or administrators.

  • Students over 18 years old: declaration of enrollment or copy of school card for the current academic year;

  • Unemployed: declaration proving unemployment status issued by IEFP – Institute of Employment and Professional Training

  • Retired: statement or monthly receipt from the entity paying the retirement pension.

  • Proof of bank account: bank statement or other valid bank document expressly stating the name of the savings account holder and an international bank account number (IBAN) from a country within the SEPA area (Single Euro Payment Area).

  • Contacts: It is mandatory to indicate e-mail and/or cell phone

2024-04-17 12:44:57

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