Accusation of psychological violence: the ex-companion of Julien Bayou seizes the internal cell of EELV

by time news

Julien Bayou’s ex-girlfriend officially seized the EELV investigation unit against violence against women on Monday. She wishes to be heard “under certain conditions ensuring the security of the testimonies”, we learned in a press release issued by her lawyer.

Calling herself “constrained and forced by the media tempo that has recently been imposed on her in defiance of her mental health”, the ex-girlfriend of Julien Bayou speaks for the first time on the merits of the case. She entered the EELV cell “to recover her word, word completely confiscated recently – mainly by men and their accomplices – in defiance of her existence”, adds the press release from Me Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon. Asked by AFP on the conditions that her client set to be heard by the cell, the lawyer did not wish to comment.

No complaints filed

Julien Bayou resigned last Monday from his post as national secretary of EELV after accusations of psychological violence against his ex-girlfriend, whom he disputes. No complaint has been lodged nor any judicial inquiry opened. After a Liberation investigation revealing on Friday that for three years, Julien Bayou had been living under the pressure of an informal feminist collective which reproached him for his conduct and investigated his relations with women, the management of EELV reaffirmed its confidence in the cell. internal to the party.

The cell “did not consider that there was a need to suspend Julien Bayou on a conservatory basis and it is continuing its work and its hearings”, EELV said on Saturday.

Julien Bayou’s ex-girlfriend “wants to clarify that her suicidal ideas and her acting out are in no way linked to the action of feminist activists but to behaviors that would be toxic, contrary to the values ​​of feminism, supposed to be at the heart of EELV’s values, likely to endanger moral or physical health, and to the guilt she felt for having been able to serve as caution despite herself, ”adds the press release from her lawyer. “My client did not join EELV thinking of joining a dating club. She joined this party because it had made political choices which she considered (then) innovative and courageous on certain subjects and because she had expertise to contribute, ”continues the lawyer.

“She deplores an internal and external misogynistic, psychophobic (form of discrimination against a mental disorder) and ableist (system making able-bodied people the social norm) campaign, unworthy of people who call themselves progressives. »

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