Aci meets students, 50 minors injured in 2023 – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – GORIZIA, 18 OCTOBER – Over 800 students from primary and lower secondary schools in the province of Gorizia attended the shows on the subject of road safety “I Vulnerabili” and “I don’t fall with a helmet”, proposed by the Zelda company , who, in a fun way, explained to the children the risks of the road for pedestrians and cyclists.
On this occasion, the latest Aci-Istat statistics on road accidents were illustrated: in the province of Gorizia in 2023, 23 injuries up to 13 years old occurred (19 males and 4 females; 3 drivers, 13 passengers and 7 pedestrians). In the 14/17 age group, however: 27 injured (23 males and 4 females; 19 drivers, 7 passengers and 1 pedestrian).
“We found great enthusiasm on the part of the students and their teachers – stated Cristina Pagliara, president of the Automobile Club Gorizia – We want the culture of safety to be spread among the little ones, brought back to family and friends, to involve the entire community as much as possible. We were able to carry out this initiative thanks to the support and contribution of the regional department for local autonomy, led by Pierpaolo Roberti, and the collaboration with the provincial school office”.

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