Acitron, the prohibited ingredient of the Rosca de Reyes

by time news

2024-01-04 23:36:53

Although for years we have eaten it in the traditional Kings Threadcitron is now prohibited in Mexico, this is a product endemic to Mexico, specifically from the central and southern region of the country, which is obtained from the biznagaa cactus of the species Echinocactus platyacantus, which is also known as sweet biznaga.

The biznaga is commonly used in the preparation of traditional sweets, such as the famous “angel’s hair”, which is commonly found in the famous Rosca de Reyes, however, this year the authorities have urged the population not to buy bagels that have citron, because now this is a forbidden sweet, we will tell you why.

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Although citron has been part of Mexican gastronomy for years, it has been prohibited by the Mexican authorities, according to article 420 of the Federal Penal Code, because it comes from the cactus Echinocactus platyacantus, a species in danger of extinction, protected by standard NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010.

The biznaga is a cactus with a growth time that can vary depending on the specific conditions of the environment, but it generally takes many years for one of these specimens to reach a considerable size. Some sources suggest that they may take between 30 and 50 years to fully mature.

The unsustainable exploitation of biznaga to obtain citron has led to concerns about the environmental impact, since given the slow growth of biznaga, excessive harvesting can deplete natural populations of these plants, especially if sustainable management is not practiced.

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It is noteworthy that the biznaga is a habitat for various species of flora and fauna, so its exploitation without consideration can negatively affect other plants and animals that depend on this cactus to survive, therefore, this year do not buy Rosca de Reyes with citron, instead, look for products that replace this sweet with fruit tea, caramelized fig or crystallized sweet chayote.

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#Acitron #prohibited #ingredient #Rosca #Reyes

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