Acquaroli, ‘There are critical issues but our healthcare is at the forefront’ – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ANCONA, 21 AUG – There are critical issues in the regional health system but the path taken by the Marche Region with the Reform aims to overcome them by finding solutions. The President of the Region Francesco Acquaroli speaks in a post responding to the “many reports of critical issues” he receives.
“Most of them – he explains – concern waiting lists but not only” and moreover the “difficulties do not only affect the Marche but also the other Regions, problems so deeply felt that Minister Schillaci and the Meloni Government, after many years of cuts and restrictions, have intervened with a dedicated decree”.
“The major critical issues, however – Acquaroli underlines – are on the territory, that is, all those services, including general medicine, which, suffering and unable to drain the demand for health, unload a high number of inappropriate services onto the waiting list system and the emergency, which take away strength from the health system itself”.
And he points out “some macro examples of the causes that put the health system in difficulty on a daily basis”: “think of the visits to the Emergency Departments of the white and green codes, who, not finding answers elsewhere, are forced to wait long hours.
On the other hand, for many years the territory has not been properly supported and organized, leaving general practitioners to themselves, not even providing for the replacement of some of them who have retired”.
“Our reform, which unfolds in three phases, has set itself the goal – explains the President – of identifying these critical issues and studying solutions for each of them. Greater organizational efficiency and resources are needed, but also time”. Moreover, he observes “It is easy to understand that where planning has been lacking, leaving deserted facilities and territories, the reconstruction of the system cannot ignore the physical presence of trained and qualified operators and professionals who must be found among the available resources. Of course, technology, I am thinking of telemedicine, can help us but on its own it is not enough”.
“Our healthcare system – he recalls – remains at the forefront of the healthcare system as attested by the Agenas rankings on LEA, and when the reform is fully operational, the system will be even more efficient, we are certain of this.
We will continue to examine each critical issue with the related solutions implemented in the coming days in order to share with all of you a complex but necessary cognitive path”. (ANSA).

2024-08-22 03:12:38

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