Kochi: Indigenous women arrested for stealing money and belongings from closed houses. The accused broke into a house near Lakshmi Hospital in Ernakulam and stole 20 sovereigns of gold, Rs 3,25,000, US dollars and a gold Rolex watch worth Rs 25 lakh. The arrested were identified as Vishnu’s wife Amravati (20), Manikunnu house, Marimuthu’s wife Devi (22), Muthappan’s Kasturi (22) and Keshavan’s wife Devi (21).
The absence of CCTV cameras in the house where the theft took place significantly affected the investigation. The information about the nomads was later obtained when the investigation team checked the cameras in the vicinity of the house. The first accused was arrested after searching for the accused in Kannur, Kozhikode and Wayanad. On examination of the first accused, a small portion of the stolen property was found on the body part itself. According to the information obtained from the interrogation, the other accused were also arrested.
During the interrogation of the accused, shocking information was received. From morning till evening, they roam around with their children under the guise of collecting acrimonious items and steal from unoccupied houses. In some houses, men who are with them rob at night. If anyone is inside the house at that time, do not hesitate to attack. Homes with CCTV cameras are being completely eliminated. It will mark something to indicate that it is a locked house with no one. It is common to come later and steal. The accused were arrested by an investigation team led by Central Police Station Inspector Vijaya Shankar.
English Summary: Theft in Kochi; Women arrested