ACS will re-elect Florentino Pérez as president until 2027

by time news

ACS will propose at its next general meeting of shareholders the re-election of its president, Florentino Pérez, as executive director for another four years and the appointment of Lourdes Maíz and Lourdes Fraguas as independent directors.

In this way, Florentino Pérez will foreseeably remain in the presidency of ACS until 2027. Born in March 1947, Pérez will reach the end of his term at the age of 80.

As reported by the company this Thursday to the National Securities and Markets Commission (CNMV), the shareholders’ meeting will foreseeably take place on May 5 on second call at 12:00 p.m. in the South Auditorium of Ifema Madrid.

On this day, the re-election of six other ACS directors will also be approved. Among these, the re-election of José Luis del Valle Pérez, current counselor secretary, as executive director for another four years stands out. Likewise, three independent directors (Antonio Botella, Emiliano García and Catalina Miñarro), one external (Pedro José López Jiménez) and another proprietary (María Soledad Pérez) will be ratified. In addition, the number of Council members will be set at fifteen.

The capital increase charged entirely to reserves and the authorization for the capital reduction to redeem own shares will also be matters that will be addressed at the shareholders’ meeting, as well as the reduction of share capital for the purpose of redeeming own shares.

Other issues to be discussed will be the usual approval of the annual accounts, the remuneration of directors (which will be submitted to a consultative vote) and the appointment of auditors.

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