Act of Cristina Kirchner in La Plata today: time and details of the speech, minute by minute | Presentation of the Vice President

by time news

2023-04-27 18:52:53

Where is the Teatro Argentino de La Plata and how to get there

He Teatro Argentino de La Plata is located at Avenida 51 nº 702, between streets 8 and 9 of the Buenos Aires capital. The original building was inaugurated in 1890 and passed to the orbit of the province in 1910.

In 1937 it was refurbished and modernized, but in 1977 it caught fire and had to be rebuilt. That process ended in 1999, when it became the current artistic complex with “brutalist” architecture.

Has three state-of-the-art rooms. The Sala Alberto Ginastera”, with capacity for 2,200 spectators, and which was reopened days ago. The “Astor Piazzolla” Room, with a capacity for 300 spectators, designed as a micro-cinema, and the “Emilio Pettoruti” Room, where samples and exhibitions are held.

You can get to the Teatro Argentino de La Plata in trainon the La Plata branch of the rock railway, starting from Constitution. In autostarting off from CABA, by Highway Buenos Aires-La Plata. While There are different options by bus: La Costera, number 275, are two of them. Another way to get to La Plata from the center is the combis that depart from the Obelisk.

The expectation in the Casa Rosada

The government also does not expect definitions of CFK in La Plata and lowers expectations as to what it can say about the electoral setup of the ruling party. “It will be similar to the previous dissertations in which he talks about the IMF,” they analyze.

The memory of the triumph of Néstor Kirchner

This Thursday’s presentation is given within the framework of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the triumph that brought Néstor Kirchner to the presidency and the inauguration of the “Néstor Kirchner Justicialista School”, which will pretend to be a space for discussion and training of new political cadres articulated by the Metropolitan University for Education and Work, Kirchnerism and massismo.

Massa will not be in La Plata

Massa has already warned that he will not be in La Plata this afternoon because his management schedule prevents him: the Minister of Economy has scheduled to sign an agreement with the CAF in Montevideo. But several leaders of the Renovation Front will go to the CFK act. Among them will be the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau, the deputy of the Renewing Front, Mónica Litza and the vice president of the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies, Ruben Eslaiman.

“Cristina already made a decision”

For the head of the Canillitas guildOmar Plaini, the vice president “already made a decision” about what she will do in the next elections. “Despite my desire and that of millions, I don’t think I’m going to change my mind”, he said, alluding to the speech in which the former president said she would not run for any elective office.

Yasky’s Hope

The national deputy and head of the Workers’ CTA, Hugo Yasky assured that Vice President Cristina Kirchner “does not rule out a candidacy”. The leader maintained that this was her perception when he met with her last week, when union leaders asked her to run in the upcoming elections. She “did not say that she rules it out,” said Yasky and reiterated her desire that “Cristina Kirchner be the next president.”

Moyano: “They didn’t invite me”

The head of the Teamsters Union, Hugo Moyano, assured that he was not invited to the event this afternoon in La Plata. “They didn’t tell me anything,” he said and revealed that in a meeting he held days ago with CGT leaders “There was no talk of a particular candidate” but how the candidacies will be resolved. “The PASO would give a consensus candidate” and “it would be the most practical”. Then, “when that is resolved, we all have to be behind our candidate, who is not going to do what neoliberalism is saying,” he said.

What will CFK talk about?

Those close to Cristina Kirchner assure that the vice president “in her speech will focus on developing the title of the talk” this afternoon at the Teatro Argentino in La Plata. This way, expectations that he will make some definition on electoral matters are lowered. This is CFK’s first public appearance after Alberto Fernández’s decline to run for another term as president.

The attention, in part, will be focused on whether Cristina makes any mention of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, which can be interpreted as promoting him as a candidate for the Frente de Todos.

What time is the act of Cristina Kichner

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner reappears on the public scene this afternoon. At 6:00 p.m. it will be presented at the Teatro Argentino de La Plata to give a master class entitled “Circular Argentina. The IMF and its historical recipe for inflation and recession. Political fragmentation and economic concentration”.

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