“Acting like the last enemy of Israel”: Coalition leaders attack Netanyahu

by time news

The heads of the coalition factions addressed the Speaker of the Knesset, MK, today (Monday) Mickey Levy“Please discuss the video released by opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu last week. In the video, Netanyahu attacks the government in English,”Claims the end of democracy and even increased it and said that this will affect other democraciesThe request was forwarded by the Knesset member Boaz Toporovsky, Who initiated the appeal, and was joined by the heads of the coalition factions. The coalition strives to raise the issue as a proposal for order, but in view of the agreements with the opposition, it was decided to postpone the discussion that was initially possible to be held today, in a week.

“On Thursday, December 16, the chairman of the opposition, MK, published Benjamin Netanyahu An English video, with English subtitles, intended for distribution all over the world. There is indeed a sentence that says “out of your ruin and your destroyers came out of you”, but what a surprise that the video that unequivocally undermines the strength of Israel, its values ​​and those who lead it, was distributed by someone who served as prime minister until recently, Acting like the last enemy of Israel. This video inherently and directly harms Israeli morality, which must be strengthened and not destroyed at home“, The coalition claimed.

According to them, Netanyahu’s actions on social media are “a platform for continuing to spread Israel’s slander in the world and provide additional material to those who seek to harm us, our stability and resilience.” Coalition leaders added that the opposition leader’s choice to film the video in English, and even add English subtitles, is a double image damage, as it addresses the international community and not the citizens of Israel, at a time when there is a real effort to improve Israel’s perception of the international community. “.

The coalition continued to attack Netanyahu’s election and said that his actions stem not from concern for the state but “from the personal and narrow political interest of the Knesset member. MK Netanyahu, who fought fiercely throughout his tenure against various organizations seeking to harm Israel, joined them and became part of the spread of incitement against us.. Therefore, and in light of the desire to undermine the stability of the Government and the Knesset of Israel, I would like the opposition leader’s devastating damage to the security and values ​​of the State of Israel, as if he were one of the extremist organizations seeking the destruction of our country.

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M“Likud” In response, it was stated that “the one who slanders Israel is the coalition of Bennett and Gideon Saar, which legislates laws in the style of Iran and Syria in Israel. Judge and laws for disqualifying candidates for prime minister – laws that do not exist in any democracy. “

Former Minister, Member of Knesset Miri Regev, Wrote in a response on Facebook: “When the man is the issue. For the life of hypocrisy and double standards. When Musi Raz turns to European MPs to condemn the State of Israel, it’s okay. When Nitzan Horowitz calls for interrogating IDF soldiers in The Hague, it’s okay. When Omar Bar-Lev talks about settler violence with the US Secretary of Defense, it’s okay. When Naftali Bennett condemns the Israeli medical system on the UN stage, it’s okay. More inclined in the examples.

So you dare to make such an illusory and despicable offer? Where else will you go with this obsession with Benjamin Netanyahu? Can any of you even reach the level of his contribution to the power and security of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state? Is there a better information agent for the State of Israel than Benjamin Netanyahu? Just go back and learn from the best. “


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