Action Logement will invest 14.4 billion over five years to support housing

by time news

2023-06-16 17:12:24

The agreement should normally have been reached before the end of December last year. With nearly six months late, the State and Action Logement finally signed, this Friday, June 16, the five-year agreement which binds them for 2023-2027.

“This agreement is the success of consultation and social dialogue to find an agreement, beneficial to our fellow citizens”, welcomed Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Action Logement being managed on an equal basis with the trade unions. “It’s a real negotiated agreement, for his part rejoiced the president of the first social landlord in France, Bruno Arcadipane (Medef). While its vice-president, Philippe Lengrand (CFDT) welcomed a “balanced agreement”.

Effort in tight territories

Concretely, Action Logement, the collector of the Peec, the participation of employers in the construction effort, promises to mobilize 14.4 billion euros over five years (compared to 15.2 billion for the previous plan). With three objectives set with the government: to support employees in their “residential career linked to employment”, to develop housing in territories in tension or in the process of reindustrialization and to contribute to the ecological transition and the reduction of carbon emissions .

Of this envelope, 5.25 billion will be earmarked for the financing of public policies, of which 3.8 billion will go to the National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU), which intervenes in disadvantaged neighborhoods and 1 billion to the Action Coeur de City, with the rehabilitation of housing in old centers.

5.5 billion will be dedicated to financing social landlords and intermediaries – including 3.9 billion for the production of new housing. And 3.7 billion will go to aid for individuals, including 2 billion for loans dedicated to social access to property or the carrying out of work.

New audiences for Visale

Elisabeth Borne had already announced it: the Visale Guarantee will grow, with more than 2 million beneficiaries over five years. To be compared to one million contracts signed since the creation of Visale in 2016.

This free deposit for tenants in need of guarantors was first reserved for young people aged 18 to 30, whether students or employees. It was then extended in mid-2021 to those over thirty earning less than 1,500 euros net per month. New expansions are planned today. The first concerns seasonal workers. The second employees housed with the elderly or in intergenerational housing. The third is the self-employed.

Compared to the previous five-year agreement, “the real difference is taking into account the ecological transition and the low carbon dimension in all our operations”, underlines Nadia Bouyer, the general manager of Action Logement – who wants to become a locomotive for the sector in this area. “It’s really at the heart of our subjects whether it’s financing, technical requirements on construction or rehabilitation”, adds Bruno Arcadipane.

In addition to the production of 200,000 homes over five years – or 40,000 per year -, with the aim of building greener, the group plans to renovate the same number of homes. “That’s a real novelty,” adds the DG.

Purchases from promoters

The signing of this agreement is timely when the executive has been sharply criticized by professionals in the sector, as well as many politicians and association representatives for its lack of ambition to fight against the housing crisis.

In this regard, Action Logement has also been mobilized to help developers in difficulty. He must buy back 30,000 homes from them, CDC Habitat acquiring 17,000 on his side.

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