ACTION Polish American Strategic Initiative (PASI): Who fights can lose, who doesn’t fight already lost!

by time news

Members of the Polish community, sign the petition to the US Congress, of which PASI is the author. The petitioners are immigrants who are eligible to receive a pension in the US and abroad, and whose pension is reduced due to the application of the Windfall Elimination Provision

We want as many members of the Polish community as possible to sign the petition (a petition is a letter containing a demand, especially a change in the law).

We demand that Congress change the law and not reduce the pensions earned in the US for Polish immigrants).

The petition is online at

It can also be found on the PASI website ( under the ACTION tab (link:

It is now available in eight languages, and more translations are being added all the time. PASi wants to encourage other nationalities affected by this clause to join the action and fight together for justice!

Stop penalizing pensioners who earned foreign pensions – repeal the Excessive Enrichment Clause (WEP)

Congress must take the following action: repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) Excessive Enrichment Clause
What Congress Must Do: pass H.R. 82 and Senate Bill S. 597
Why Congress Must Repeal WEP: WEP unfairly reduces Social Security benefits not only for government employees but also for those who have worked both in the US and abroad

Why it matters:
• US citizens who have worked outside the US, naturalized US citizens who have worked in their country of origin, and legal immigrants have their US Social Security monthly pensions significantly reduced. This reduction is due to receiving a pension earned in another country.
• In 2023, their US Social Security pension may be reduced by as much as $557.50 per month.
• WEP disproportionately harms people on lower incomes, many of whom are retirees who acquired their pension rights in the country where they worked before settling in the US. Their combined income is often close to the poverty line.

CALL TO ACTION! Why should people who have worked hard all their lives be punished just because they acquired pension benefits in another country?
Please sign our petition to repeal the WEP so Congress can see that this long-standing injustice is having a negative impact on many and must be repealed immediately!

Polish-American Strategic Initiative – Polish American Strategic Initiative (PASI)

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