‘active and measurable prevention to reduce costs by 20 billion per year’

by time news

2023-12-15 17:13:23

To guarantee the sustainability of the system and reduce the number of people affected by cancer we must start “from active and measurable prevention”. Cancer treatment in Italy in 2022 cost 20 billion euros, including direct costs of therapies, hospitalizations, surgeries, tests, rehabilitation and indirect costs (absence from work, family assistance, etc.). A very high economic contribution, obviously added to the burden of the disease on the individual. And all projections indicate an increase in cases in all Western countries, linked above all to incorrect lifestyles (cigarette smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption). It is therefore important to reduce the burden of disease through prevention, which must obviously focus on lifestyle but also become active with research and the identification of prodromal factors that can lead to cancer over the years. It is the so-called ‘Cancer Driver Interception’, i.e. the search for those alterations which, if not corrected, can favor carcinogenesis. This is the appeal launched this morning in Rome at a conference promoted by the National Center for Economy and Work (Cnel), the Aiom Foundation (Italian Medical Oncology Association) and the Bioscience Foundation.

“The costs linked to planet cancer are becoming enormous in all Western countries – underlines Francesco Riva, delegate president of the CNEL Regulation Board – There is a risk of undermining the sustainability of the entire system and making citizens pay more and more out of their own pockets . We must all work together to have fewer cancer patients: prevention represents the only truly winning weapon.”

On the issue, Senator Francesco Zaffini, president of the that Cancer Driver Interception represents a winning model for reducing the burden of disease, essential to guarantee the sustainability of the system and reduce the number of people affected by the disease. As the Senate Health Commission, we set ourselves the objective of tackling the topic of cancer starting from active and measurable prevention, without obviously forgetting to insist on the promotion of correct lifestyles. I hope that the development of this project, in line with the new national oncology plan, strongly desired by the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, will also see the concrete collaboration of the ministry itself”.

As the indicators highlight, “too little is still being done – explains Saverio Cinieri, president of the Aiom Foundation – sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obese people and heavy alcohol consumers are increasing and what is worrying is that these data, so dangerous, are very common among adolescents.” Moreover, “it is not enough to insist on lifestyles – adds Adriana Albini, collaborator of the scientific direction of the IEO in Milan and world coordinator of the Working Group on Cancer Prevention of the American Association for Cancer Research (Aacr) – we must look for the prodromal factors which can favor the birth of a neoplasm. There are now numerous clinical studies that have demonstrated the usefulness of measuring these prodromal factors such as genomic instability, chronic inflammation, intestinal dysbiosis and immune system imbalance. All measurable through blood tests and biological material.”

As Giuseppe Mucci, president of the Bioscience Foundation, born from a spin-off of Tor Vergata, highlights: “The tumor takes years to develop. Today it is possible to monitor these alterations with simple tests that can reveal negative prodromal conditions which can then be corrected with healthy lifestyles. Active prevention, therefore, as is done in the cardiovascular field by controlling blood pressure or hypercholesterolemia”.

“This approach is very innovative and should be pursued – observes Francesco Cognetti, president of the Confederation of Oncologists, Cardiologists and Hematologists (Foce) – but in our country the percentage of participation in screening is very low, between 30% and 40% and further decreased compared to 2021. While the European Union asks us to reach 90% membership by 2025”. Active prevention “is also fundamental for those who have already encountered the disease – reiterates Antonella Campana of Fondazione IncontraDonna – Following correct lifestyles affects everyone: promoting effective awareness campaigns is now a priority”. “This conference – concludes Riva – represents the opportunity to present the imminent start of work on the bill dedicated to the prevention of cancer and raising awareness of lifestyles and health literacy. The interest in this topic is very strong and will see the active participation of the ministries: Sport and Youth, Health, Education, University and Research and Sport and Health to create synergy and participation under the guidance of the Cnel which can represent a guarantee of quality and results”.

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