Active renovation of three apartment buildings is underway in Talsi

by time news

Renovated homes not only restore the building’s aesthetic appeal, but also provide many practical benefits, from improving energy efficiency and increasing comfort levels to increasing the real estate value of the home’s occupants. Today, more and more people are thinking about preserving buildings for future generations, want to adapt them to modern requirements, and many people from Talsini can follow the story of three multi-storey buildings in which renovation works are underway and will soon be completed.

Certainly the most expressive improvements were the opportunity to observe the houses at Darba iela 23 or Ezera iela 3 near the market, after which, as the chairman of the board of SIA «ADAX 2» Aivars Maķevics also admits, the residents of other houses also drew inspiration. This year, the first renovation of the house at Miera Street 6 will be finished, and soon also – Zvirgzdi Street 4. In August, work has also started on the house at Darba Street 5, and all these three houses have decided to carry out complex renovation. “The residents of these houses were actively interested in the project. Several public meetings and surveys were held on the project’s conditions, costs and the progress of its implementation. The majority of the residents of the house (in these three houses the vote for renovation exceeded 80%) voted on the preparation of technical documents, the choice of the builder, project costs and other project issues. Before the start of construction, a meeting of residents was held with the builders and the construction supervisor about the progress of the construction works. Residents asked questions about matters important to them, such as: how and when the installation of windows, radiators and pipelines will take place in the apartments, whether it will be possible to park cars near the building, etc., and received answers from the builder and construction supervisor. In the buildings, work is not only done outside, but radiators, water, sewage and heating pipes are also changed – everything that has worn out during this time is replaced and rebuilt to a newer one in each apartment. In order for the construction to proceed smoothly, communication, understanding and also patience of the parties is important. Three or four months of patience and live in a practically new house! From now on, during the heating season, all apartments will get the fact that everyone will be as warm as they want, and everyone will pay for what they consume, because the heating meter is attached to each apartment just like water and electricity. Most houses throughout Latvia are switching to this. Remote meter reading is now also available. There are houses that agree to a remote reading, but there are houses that want to report as usual,” says project manager Linda Mastjanica.

Basic structures – roof, attic, facade, windows and plinth – these are the main works that give the house energy efficiency and at least 30% primary energy savings (a condition of the ALTUM program), however, it is up to each house to determine how much they would be willing to pay and what to renovate. “The cost of the project depends on several factors – the bigger the house, the more apartments, the lower the cost per square meter. If there is a smaller house, a smaller number of apartments or a larger area, the loan is more expensive. There are, for example, two houses that chose to carry out only energy-efficient works in the house – to restore and insulate the facade, plinth, attic and roof. Their payment is lower. All these costs and the work to be done are decided in several meetings of residents, and for all three houses, where the construction and the project are in progress, a loan has been taken from ALTUM for twenty years,” explains the project manager.

SIA “Adax 2” has been renovating houses since 2008, and the representatives admit that both the residents, the manager, and the builders already have experience in renovation, document management and all other works. It is also emphasized that living changes after the renovation of the house, because there is a desire to preserve the value of the home for longer and to be responsible for the environment around you.


2024-09-16 06:15:06

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