2024-08-06 11:10:50
The number of dark sunspots is now higher than it has been in 20 years. Achim Gandorfer, a solar physicist from the Max Planck School for the Study of the Western System in Göttingen explained: “We are currently in a strong space. more than.
The number of points depends on the solar activity, which changes within the age of eleven. “Currently it is not possible to say whether we are already at the end or whether there will be another increase.”
During peak periods there can be hundreds of spots on the sun
The spots are caused by temperature differences on the surface, as Gandorfer explains. “The sun is a ball of layered gas. Energy is generated inside, the hot gas rises. “The gas then sinks again in a cooler and denser way.” This circulation is also called convection.
However, it may happen that the region’s magnetic fields prevent cold gas from being detected, Gandorfer said. This means that cooler words stay on the surface longer. Accordingly, at around 4,000 degrees, the fields are much cooler than the surrounding area at around 6,000 degrees. “The places are still very, very hot, but on the contrary they look dark because the environment is even hotter and brighter.”
While there are usually no sites for months, during peak periods there can be hundreds, the expert said. He talks about a relative number called the sunspot. It is calculated from the sum of individual points with the number of spot groups, each of which is weighted by a factor of ten. “Weight makes the number higher; we don’t see as many places,” added Gandorfer. In addition, some places are always on the sunny side facing the Earth.
In this cycle the number called the sunspot is a maximum of 160 to 170; in the last round the number was 130.
If you want to view the solar panels, you should only do so with appropriate safety equipment such as approved glasses or telescopes with safety filters. Otherwise, serious damage to the eyes can occur.
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