Two climate activists in their 80s have been targeted the Magna Carta in the British Library.

The Reverend Dr Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, an 85-year-old retired biology teacher, entered the library and they tried to break the glass case protecting the historical document using a hammer and chisel.

The pair, from protest group Just Stop Oil, then held up a sign which read: “The government is breaking the law”. They were also heard asking, “Is the government above the law?”

The Metropolitan Police said the two women were arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and are in custody.

The British Library in London holds two of the four surviving copies of the Magna Carta, the others being in Lincoln and Salisbury Cathedrals.

Issued in June 1215, it was the first document to put in writing the principle that the king and his government were not above the law.

Rev Parfitt said: “The Magna Carta is rightly revered as it is so important to our history, our freedoms and our laws. But there will be no freedom, no legitimacy, no rights if we allow climate collapse to become the disaster it now threatens.”

In a statement, the British Library confirmed that two people had “attacked the hard glass case”.

“The library’s security team intervened to prevent further damage to the case, which was minimal,” it said.

“The police have been notified and the Magna Carta itself remains intact.

Source: SkyNews

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