Activities of the Music School of Rhodes – 2024-03-15 17:06:43

by times news cr

2024-03-15 17:06:43

The school community of the Rhodes Music School, Teachers, Pupils, Parents and Guardians Association, we continue to be active, apart from our daily educational program, in extracurricular artistic and other activities.

Recently the 2nd Lyceum student Aliki Psoma won the first prize in a pan-Hellenic poetry competition, while the 1st Lyceum student Ioannis Taladianos came second in the Dodecanese School Chess Championship.

Our recent integrated actions are as follows:

· Presentation of musical instruments to Primary School students,

· Sunday Musical Mornings – student concerts,

· Watch a live streaming concert of the State Orchestra of Thessaloniki,

· Artistic activities – painting the painting “The Kiss”,

· Hosting the portable planetarium: showing movies and observing the sun with a telescope,

· Participation in high school championships, with volleyball and soccer teams.

· Informative meetings about the Panhellenic exams and completing the computer application, study and scholarship issues,

· Experiential workshops with DIODO, EFHYTA and other agencies.

At the same time, various school events, research projects and activities were carried out in the context of the lessons, in-school teacher trainings, while the projects in our school complex, which are carried out by KTYP SA, are in their final stages.

Next activities/concerts:

· March 1, in Troulos (Mandraki), at 18:00, with the Wind Ensemble (Bandina): a small concert to welcome Spring,

· March 6, at Piges Kallithea, at 17:00, participation of the Percussion Ensemble in the actions of “The greek festival”,

March 7, music and dance event at the Municipal Theater of Rhodes, immediately after the parade for the Anniversary of the Integration of the Dodecanese, in collaboration with the Federation of Parochial Dodecanese Associations of Rhodes and the Directorate of DOPAR of the Municipality of Rhodes,

· March 9, participation of members of the “Polifonia” choir of the Lyceum, in an event-day on domestic and work violence, with the cooperation of various agencies.

· April 11 to 14, we are organizing the 4th Music Festival “Rhodes: Crossroads of Cultures and Partnerships of Music Schools”, with Music Schools of Greece and two participations from abroad, co-organized by the South Aegean Region, the HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RELIGION AND SPORTS REGIONAL DIRECTORATE OF A/THMIAS & B/THMIAS EDUCATION NO. AEGAIOU DIRECTORATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION DODEKANIS MUSIC SCHOOL OF RHODES Tach. Address: Koskinou Information: Director Mr. Christos Theologos Phone: 2241067850 email: [email protected]

Municipality of Rhodes, the Ephorate of Antiquities of Dodecanese and the DDE of Dodecanese.

· April 20, at Nestorideio Melathros, concert of the European Music Orchestra,

· April 19-23, musical ensembles participate in the International Biennale of Philosophy of the University of the Aegean.

This activity and the continuous participation of our students with the support of their parents/guardians are a source of pride and inspiration for our entire school community. Through their participation in various actions and competitions, they acquire not only technical and artistic skills in the field of music, but also valuable experiences and knowledge that enrich their cultural profile. Through their participation in concerts, competitions, sports championships and artistic events, they develop their confidence, creativity and ability to cooperate and communicate with others.

In addition to their personal cultivation, the active participation of our students in events and programs contributes to the creation of a dynamic and united school community. At the same time, these events give them the opportunity to express their talent and interests, thus promoting the diversity and cultural plot of our School.

Through this continuous course of action and involvement, our students gain a rich educational experience that goes beyond the boundaries of the educational program. They learn to work in a team spirit, take initiative and manage their time effectively. In addition, their participation in activities involving culture and art contributes to their full development as active citizens and to the formation of a rich and balanced personality, strengthening the knowledge, skills and values ​​they acquire and contributing to the formation of an integrated cultural and educational environment at the Rhodes Music School. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 2241067850. Websites:,,

From the School Management.

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