In the episode The One Movie In a recently aired scene, the character Tuan “Trach” was buried in the ground by Duong “Co Mu” and his followers as a warning. The scene showed the danger and brutality of this criminal gang, making viewers’ hair stand on end.
On the personal page of actor Tuan Anh, behind-the-scenes photos of the scene attracted a lot of interaction. VTV also just released a clip of the behind-the-scenes excerpt of this scene showing Doc Dao crew has been carefully prepared.
Actor Tuan Anh wearing a raincoat sitting in a hole waiting for the camera to start shooting.
Actor Tuan Anh In fact, he was wearing a raincoat to avoid direct contact with the ground and sat down in a pre-dug hole. After lining the actor’s back with straw and covering him with soil up to Tuan Anh’s neck, the crew tore off the raincoat’s hood to make the scene more realistic.
Contrary to the tension in the film, director Tran Trong Khoi also teased actor Tuan Anh not to ask for a role with more screen time next time because this time he was satisfied when he was able to act in a film with 200 kg of dirt around him.
Tuan Anh shares behind-the-scenes photos of the movie scene.
Actor Tuan Anh shared with VietNamNet: “People often see Tuan Anh’s roles as villains but with a bit of humor and cuteness. However, scenes of hard work or hardship for Tuan Anh seem to have become normal in his career. The scene of being buried alive in the currently airing movie Doc Dao is also a strange scene that Tuan Anh experienced for the first time.
When arriving at the scene, the design team dug a hole in the rain just big enough for the actors to sit down. To avoid wasting the crew’s time, Tuan Anh suggested filling the hole directly on top of the actors. Everyone covered the actors with straw to cushion them and also put on raincoats to keep Tuan Anh warm.
The actor said that the weather was not favorable that day, it was raining so the ground was wet. After about 15 minutes, the large and heavy soil was pressed very tightly. Sitting cross-legged for a long time made Tuan Anh’s legs numb. After that, the crew dug up the soil, covered the hole with boards, then filled it with soil and completed the rest of the scene.
Tuan Anh said the crew was very worried about him because of the difficult scene, but at the same time, they laughed happily because they saw Tuan Anh playing a role with literally a lot of “acting space”. “An extremely memorable experience for Tuan Anh with the Doc Dao project”, he said.
Tuan Anh and Quoc Khanh backstage at the Tao Quan 2024 program in which the actor participated.
Although he is a new rookie on the screen, Tuan Anh has appeared in many primetime films such as: May 11th, Life is still beautiful, Black medicine, One family. Doc dao is airing every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night on VTV3.