Actress Nam Thu steps on Hien Ho’s footsteps

by times news cr

Nam Thu and Hien Ho are being gossiped about

In recent days, besides Thanh Hang announcing that she will sue Hoang Thuy after the drama of being invited to be a judge of Miss Universe Vietnam, every move of Nam Thu also attracted public attention. The keywords attached to the name of this actress are extremely negative such as: Third party, husband snatcher, third person. Although she immediately denied it, even affirmed that she would make a record, the fact that the main wife in the story of Nam Thu being accused of adultery continuously released evidence, along with the attitude when facing the incident of the actress made the public even more angry.

Despite denying the rumors, Nam Thu still received many negative comments.

Looking back at Hien Ho’s story a few years ago, at the peak of her career with a series of hit songs, Hien Ho was involved in a personal scandal involving a married man that caused her to lose almost everything. Hien Ho and the phrase “brothers and sisters” or the image of her appearing with a G63 car, playing golf are still being discussed to this day. At that time, Hien Ho had to apologize: “I feel extremely guilty and disappointed with myself for what is happening. I am a freelance singer, in my work, only my manager and I support each other. So when such an incident happened, I was so devastated, unable to do anything, that I closed all my social media accounts to isolate myself.

Every day that passes is a day of fear of what will happen next. Moreover, I have to respect the privacy of all those involved, so I keep quiet, not because I intend to avoid it.

I feel really guilty and owe an apology to the audience who love me, those who have always supported and cared for me during this time, and those who were accidentally caught up in this story.

Therefore, today I want to face and sincerely send my deepest apologies to those involved, my family, the audience and my beloved fans who have been greatly affected by my personal story.”

Actress Nam Thu steps on Hien Ho’s footsteps

Before that, Hien Ho was also involved in a scandal related to the “third person”.

With Actress Nam Thushe has also closed her personal account and Fanpage with 1.8 million followers. Other social networking sites such as Tiktok have now turned off comment mode to avoid criticism from the public. However, before that, this actress continuously posted many clips cut from her previous performances. Of course, more than 90% of the interactions were anger.

The story of her private life has not yet cooled down, the fact that Nam Thu changed her profile picture to something more sexy while the whole country was mourning the passing of the General Secretary made netizens even more angry at the actress.

Hien Ho has been “banned” for many years, is Nam Thu following in her footsteps?

Hien Ho is living proof that artists are completely boycotted due to personal scandals. When the scandal first broke out, shaking the entertainment industry, all of the singer’s shows were canceled. The locations where Hien Ho’s posters appeared were questioned by the audience and in the end, Hien Ho had to be removed from the program. Even some singers and celebrities who appeared next to Hien Ho such as Trinh Thang Binh and ViruSs also received many mixed opinions. That shows that the current audience has been and is being sober when idolizing someone. It is agreed that talented artists will be loved, but talent without ethics will be immediately eliminated.

A long time no sing, Hien Ho spends a lot of time as a Streamer, playing games and sharing personal stories with the audience that still follows her. In a reappearance on stage, many viewers thought that the female singer challenged the anger, accepted the criticism to work again. Hien Ho shared to justify herself: “I still think that I have to continue doing what I am doing, but people using the word challenge is not right, that is just everyone’s thinking. I also realized my mistakes, I also reviewed myself for quite a long time, saw that I was bad, wrong, and not good enough”.

As a singer, sooner or later when the “storm” subsides, Hien Ho will still sing again. But to be warmly loved by the audience, to be on big TV shows, perhaps that opportunity will no longer exist for Hien Ho.

Actor Nam Thu Giam got into Hien Ho's car?-Picture-3

The chance for Nam Thu to be accepted by the audience is quite low.

And Nam Thu, perhaps this actress is following in the footsteps of Hien Ho. Despite her denial and her assertion that she will make a record, most audiences no longer trust Nam Thu. Especially when this actress has had many programs and shares related to the story of the “third person” with an anti-establishment attitude. Then one day, she herself became the main character mentioned in that story.

Nam Thu’s story may end there with a big question mark, but will the actress still be welcomed or loved by the audience as before? Will the stage with Nam Thu perform be filled with audiences, and will the humorous pieces she juggles still be applauded by the audience?

Audiences are getting more and more awake!

More and more artists are being boycotted because of ethical scandals, as audiences become more and more aware.

In fact, for a long time, in major entertainment markets such as Korea and China, it has been inevitable that artists will be banned after scandals. A typical example is the case of Ly Dich Phong when he was involved in a prostitution scandal. From a famous star, Ly Dich Phong’s name completely disappeared from the entertainment industry, the products that the actor had participated in, the brands that the actor was the face of simultaneously removed all of Ly Dich Phong’s images. The personal page with more than 60 million followers was deleted, and there was almost no future for the return of this once famous artist.

Actor Nam Thu got into Hien Ho's car?-Picture-4

Many artists like Ly Dich Phong have had to endure cold treatment when involved in scandals.

Returning to the story of Hien Ho and Nam Thu being caught up in the third person scandal, many famous people have also been the main characters in these stories.

For example, in the case of actress Kim Min Hee, although she was once loved by the audience for her acting ability, when she had an affair with director Hong Sang Soo, the public immediately turned their backs on her. Because when the actress came to the male director, he already had a wife and children. Although she was in the process of divorce, the fact that Kim Min Hee knew that the man she was seeing was married but still openly did it without any hesitation caused the public to seethe with anger. All of Kim Min Hee’s projects related to movies and advertising were canceled. Later, she and Hong Sang Soo had to live abroad.

Actor Nam Thu stepped on Hien Ho's car?-Picture-5

Kim Min Hee publicly announced her relationship with her director boyfriend even though he has not divorced yet, causing outrage.

Or in the case of Gao Yuanyuan, despite possessing a beauty that shocked China, the actress had to accept a wave of boycott from public opinion because she was constantly involved in scandals about a third person. Despite her efforts to make a comeback, Gao Yuanyuan still had to accept the label of “a third party who succeeded but shamelessly returned”, showing that the public, despite many years, still did not accept this beauty’s existence in showbiz.

It is quite understandable that the public reacted strongly. Because breaking up someone else’s family happiness is not only related to the three-person relationship, but can also affect the lives and psychology of the children. The problem of adultery has long broken up many families, so when a famous person is involved in this ethical scandal, the public will have more reason to be harsh.

After many years, Kim Min Hee now only acts in films produced by her boyfriend. There is news that the “stubborn” couple has broken up. Hien Ho is still trying to find a way to come back. That is not wrong because celebrities themselves have suffered many consequences from their actions, finding opportunities in work is something that everyone needs to maintain their lives. But coming back is one thing, whether the audience accepts it or not is another.

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