Actress Randi Ingerman ‘Duped’ by Her Lawyer

by time news

MILAN, AUGUST 30 – He allegedly deceived actress and former showgirl Randi Ingerman by “making her believe”, including by creating “false jurisdictional provisions”, that he had initiated or won some lawsuits, which in reality either did not exist or had been lost. For this reason, lawyer Serena Grassi, who was the trusted lawyer of the former star of well-known commercials, now risks ending up on trial in Brescia on charges of unfaithful and false representation. The news was reported today in the Milan pages of Corriere della Sera. As can be read in the documents, the preliminary hearing against the 44-year-old lawyer was set by the preliminary hearing judge of Brescia Federica Brugnara for December 5 and among the injured parties, in addition to Ingerman, represented by lawyer Davide Steccanella, there are also two Milanese magistrates Adriana Cassano Cicuto and Zenaide Crispino. The defendant, in fact, allegedly made the two civil judges, unaware of everything, pass as signatories of provisions that were actually false. Hence the jurisdiction of the Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate, with the prosecutor Giovanni Tedeschi who requested that the 44-year-old be sent to trial. In one case, the lawyer allegedly made Ingerman believe that she had won a case against a bank for a sum of “277 thousand euros” and on another occasion that she had presented “an appeal to the INPS” or even “that she had appeared in court” against a clinic, which had assisted the actress for personal problems. (ANSA).

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