Acute myocardial ischemia. Recognize and treat

by time news

health problems Acute myocardial ischemia If you are aware of the symptoms can heal Don’t let it be life threatening.

Most people tend to understand that heart attack with acute myocardial ischemia is the same disease, but in fact Acute myocardial ischemia is one of the causes of heart attacks A heart attack is a condition in which the heart is unable to function properly. And there are many other reasons such as The heart valves are malfunctioning.

Today, Bright Today will bring everyone to observe the symptoms of abnormalities. Acute myocardial ischemia and what are the factors that cause Acute myocardial ischemia Recognize the symptoms, treat them in time, live a safe life..

Acute myocardial ischemia What is

Acute myocardial ischemia The main problem of heart disease caused by the narrowing of blood vessels Because fat sticks to the walls of blood vessels accumulated for a long time. until the artery wall narrows If on any day the rupture of the wound will cause the blood to clot and form a blood clot in the veins. until the blood cannot flow to the heart become myocardial ischemia and lead to myocardial damage or partial death. If it is an aorta that supplies blood to a wide muscle area, there is a risk of sudden and rapid death.

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According to statistics, about 10% to 15 percent of people with the condition have died before arriving at the hospital, while 10 percent died at the hospital. The sooner the group received treatment, the more likely they were to survive. The damage to the heart muscle is minimal. able to return to normal life But if the heart muscle is severely damaged even survive In the long term, patients who have experienced such conditions would have an impact on the way of life May cause myocardial weakness until it can’t compress work harder As a result, the patient is physically healthy like a person who is weak, easily tired, becomes stuck in a chair, stuck in bed.

common symptoms

may experience different symptoms The main symptoms are Patients with coronary artery stenosis often experience angina. It’s like having something heavy on your chest. There are symptoms that look like something is strangling. Pain under left bone May radiate to the jaw and left arm. The pain is often associated with exercise, such as running around the bus. Walking up the overpass, lifting heavy objects, stressful conditions The pain usually lasts no more than 15-30 minutes.

Shoulder pain, neck, jaw, back, abdominal pain, especially chest pain, radiating to the epigastric region, shortness of breath, suffocation, tiredness, dizziness, faint, fainting. Nausea, vomiting, sweating If you have chest pain and are experiencing any of the above symptoms for the first time. need to see a doctor

Acute myocardial ischemia 2
photo credit: freepik

risk factors for Acute myocardial ischemia

inevitable risk factors

  • Gender Males are more at risk than women.
  • Age Males older than 45 years and females older than 55 years are at risk. Acute myocardial infarction
  • Genetics: People with family history refer to parents and children with premature coronary artery disease.

avoidable risk factors

  • high blood pressure Risk of other complications, such as heart disease, stroke, eye disease, or kidney disease
  • high blood lipid levels Fat will bind to the inner wall, tricking the heart’s blood to condense into thicker plates. narrowing the blood vessels resulting in increased blood pressure
  • Smoking. The nicotine in cigarettes hardens the arteries. decreased flexibility of blood vessels high blood pressure
  • Diabetes. Factors that can cause hardening of the arteries.
  • Belly fat because most people who are obese are found to have high levels of atherosclerosis. by considering the size of the waist circumference Men not more than 90 centimeters and women not more than 80 centimeters.
  • lack of exercise will make the blood flow inconvenient low energy metabolism and the accumulation of fat
  • Stress causes the body to burn fat in the blood vessels abnormally. can cause high levels of fat in the blood vessels

treat Acute myocardial ischemia

If there is an acute coronary thrombosis The first solution is to get the blood flowing back as soon as possible. In the past, doctors would prefer toclot-dissolving drugs But nowadays, catheters are used to dilate blood vessels with balloons. which is a more successful method than taking pills

Acute myocardial ischemia
Photo credit: Bangkok Heart Hospital.

Thank you for information : Siriraj Hospital Piyamaharajkarun and Bangkok Heart Hospital

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