Adapting to a changing body: physical effects of aging in men and how to deal with them

by time news

Menopause can be a challenging time full of changes for many men, although most menopause phenomena will be mentioned in the context of women. And indeed, there are differences in the way men and women experience this period. While men experience a decline in testosterone levels as they age, this is a gradual process that occurs over many years, rather than a sudden cessation of reproductive function as in women. However, some men may experience unique symptoms that accompany their entry into old age and they should be given the proper treatment in order to treat them in the best way possible, and maintain a quality of life even after the age of 50. Here are some symptoms that you should be aware of.

Prostate enlargement

The prostate gland is a small gland located in the male reproductive system. With puberty, the prostate gland tends to grow, to a condition called enlarged prostate. Although this growth is not cancerous, it can cause a variety of symptoms, such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, weak urine flow and the need to urinate at night, which can cause significant damage to the man’s quality of life. The specific cause of prostate enlargement is unknown, but it is thought that this phenomenon is related to hormonal changes that occur with age in men. Although this phenomenon is common in so many men, it is not considered a natural part of aging and can be treated in a variety of ways. Among other things, there are changes that can be made in lifestyle, specific medications and in some cases minor surgical procedures, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common and well-known problem among older men (but not only). The damage to the sexual life ultimately creates damage to the quality of life, so it is a problem that should be recognized and dealt with as soon as possible. A weak erection or impotence can be caused by a variety of reasons, including a decrease in testosterone, the use of certain drugs that slow down and weaken the activity of the sexual system, and mental conditions such as depression and anxiety. However, there are many ways to deal with the situation. First of all, before any “solution”, you should start where you are: open communication with your partner can remove the obstacle of shame and guilt and create an emotional space that allows for change. At the same time, you can make lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking and drinking and practicing physical activity, specifically one that strengthens the core muscles and the pelvic floor. Of course, in addition to all of these, appropriate drug treatment can be considered, either through prescription drugs or through nutritional supplements that stimulate the man’s sexual system.

memory problems

With advancing age, men, like women, may experience cognitive decline, which will be manifested, among other things, in memory problems. Memory problems are associated with gradual impairment of brain function and are very common among older men. Memory problems can be manifested, among other things, in forgetting important details and events, difficulty in language, difficulty in receiving and giving information, difficulty in dealing with complex tasks and difficulty in planning assignments. There can be a variety of reasons for the deterioration of memory, including physical and emotional conditions, but even this phenomenon can be dealt with in order to reduce the symptoms: while cognitive practice has been found to be particularly effective in dealing with it, mental therapy and certain medications can also lead to an improvement in the condition or at least to prevent deterioration. It is important to consult the family doctor for any concern that arises in order to treat it in a timely manner.

joint problems

Older men may experience joint pain and stiffness, especially in weight-bearing areas such as the hips and knees. The main reason for joint problems in older men is natural wear and tear – years of intense activity take their toll, all the more so in cases where there have been sports injuries, accidents or heavy workloads. Also, joint problems can be a result of inflammation. It is important to consult the doctor and treat each problem accordingly, and in any case – physical therapy practices, changes in the menu and treatment of other health problems may have an effect and lead to an improvement in the condition.

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