additional funding released as cold weather grips the country

by time news

2024-01-08 22:54:10
Families leave a hotel in Lyon where they were staying, January 8, 2024. JEFF PACHOUD / AFP

The episode of intense cold which spread to France got the better of the government’s inflexibility on the creation of additional accommodation places. Concomitantly with the classification of 43 departments in “extreme cold” yellow vigilance (second level out of four) by Météo-France, the Minister for Housing Patrice Vergriete announced on Monday January 8 the release of an additional envelope of 120 million euros for emergency accommodation.

This extension corresponds in theory to 10,000 additional places, but “the goal of the game is not to always create more places”said the minister, who was visiting a day reception center in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.

The envelope will be used as a priority to respond to the most urgent needs, to accommodate women and children on the street, the number of the latter having been estimated at nearly 3,000 in October 2023 by Unicef ​​and the Federation of Actors. solidarity. This sum should also make it possible to reform “in depth the emergency accommodation system” par “better coordination with local authorities” and to act ” upstream and downstream “by avoiding “that people do not enter emergency accommodation, preventing evictions” and in “accelerating their exit from the system”, specified the minister. A very ambitious objective, while France is going through a deep housing crisis.

“Politics by the thermometer”

The director of studies of the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Manuel Domergue, immediately regretted what he describes as “politics with the thermometer”. “If this envelope allows us to obtain a few thousand accommodation places, it’s good to takehe said, but seeing the government, which was intransigent, break down when the temperature drops below zero is distressing in terms of public policy. »

Also read the report: Article reserved for our subscribers Spending years in emergency accommodation: “Everything we own is in shopping bags, as if we were leaving tomorrow. And we don’t know if we’re leaving tomorrow”

For the Droit Au Logement association, “these 120 million extensions announced in the face of the cold are only crumbs, while the number of homeless people continues to grow in France, thrown onto the street by the high cost of housing”.

In detail, these 120 million euros are added to the 2.9 billion euros budgeted in the 2024 finance law for accommodation and the path to housing, which already makes it possible to finance 203,000 places of employment. emergency accommodation. However, despite this extension, the budget will still remain lower than the credits actually consumed in 2023 (3.1 billion euros). The government was in fact initially banking on a clearly downward trajectory, assuming the hypothesis of better integration of homeless people into housing.

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