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PENSION INCREASE 2023. Discover the complete schedule of all pension increases over the past few months.

[Mis à jour le 3 ​​​​​​​mars 2023 à 09h26] Whether it is complementary, basic, whether it concerns civil servants or whether it is linked to the pension reform currently being debated in the Senate, your retirement pension is very likely to have recently changed. offers you a complete inventory of the increase or decrease in retirement pensions. Since November 1, 2022, supplementary Agirc-Arrco pensions have increased by 5,12%. The adjustment for the month of March 2023 also took place, due to the updating of CSG rates. Your complementary is therefore revised upwards or downwards depending on your situation (to compensate for the months of January and February). The situation will return to normal from April.

Also, the revaluation of basic pensions was part of the many changes of January 1, 2023 for the French budget. These increased by 0,8% to account for runaway inflation (the third increase in a year). Thanks to this boost, each pensioner concerned now pockets a bonus of 12 euros each month, for a basic pension of 1,500 euros net. Finally, the pension reform plans to revalue part of the small pensions up to 85% of minimum wage. In reality, the executive is increasing the minimum contribution between 0 euros and 100 euros. Thanks to this measure, between 10,000 and 20,000 new retirees per year should pocket nearly 1,200 euros in retirement each month.

The rules for increasing supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco, for example) differ from those for basic pensions. These supplementary pensions are calculated from the number of points acquired during the career, to which a value of the point is multiplied. Then, the social partners decide on a possible revaluation of the value of this point.

In an attempt to compensate for the galloping inflation observed in recent months, supplementary retirement pensions have increased by 5.12% since 1st November 2022. The decision was taken during the Board of Directors of Agirc-Arrco, on October 6, in the presence of employers’ organizations and trade unions. The service value of the Agirc-Arrco point was set at 1 349,80 euros, against 1,284.10 euros previously. The cost of this system is estimated at 4.5 billion euros over one year. This increase was decided on the basis of an increase in the average salary of 4.82%, to which is added a catch-up of +0.1% in respect of inflation observed in 2021. The social partners have decided to grant the Board of Directors an additional margin of maneuver of +0.2%, compatible with the plan’s financial trajectory.


THE retirement pensions from the basic scheme had their third augmentation in one year, Sunday January 1, 2023. This time, the increase reached 0,8%. This third increase in one year is part of the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) and allows the seniors concerned to pocket an additional gain of 12 euros per month for a pension of 1,500 euros, or even 16 euros monthly. for a basic pension of 2,000 euros.

The retirees concerned are those affiliated with one of the following funds:

  • CNAV (National Old Age Insurance Fund)
  • CNRACL (National Fund of Local Authority Agents)
  • SRE (State Pensions Service)
  • CNAVPL (National old-age insurance fund for the liberal professions)
  • Complementary public contractors (Ircantec)
  • Special diets (SNCF…)
  • Independents (SSI)

The beneficiaries of the retirement of proper rightof the pensions of reversionthe solidarity allowance for the elderly (BLADE) as well as the supplementary invalidity allowance (BUT) are also affected.

After the successive increases of 1.1% in January 2022, then 4% last July, the retirement pensions of the basic scheme experienced a new increase, Sunday January 1, 2023. Please note, the payment into your bank account, it , will only be effective from the month of February 2023.

Here is the calendar for the revaluation of pensions since September 2022:

  • September 9, 2022 : 4% increase for pensions from the basic scheme
  • September 28, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the State civil service
  • September 29, 2022 : 4% increase for retirees from the hospital public service
  • 1st November 2022 : increase of 5.12% for complementary Agirc-Arrco
  • January 27, 2023 : payment of the 0.8% increase for CNRACL affiliates
  • January 30, 2023 : payment of the 0.8% increase for public service retirees
  • February 9, 2023 : payment of the 0.8% increase for CNAV and MSA affiliates

In reality, there is no minimum pension in the pension reform, but rather a revaluation between 0 and 100 euros.

To upgrade pensions, the executive has a tool, the minimum contribution (Mico), allowing retirees who have contributed small amounts to receive a minimum amount of basic pension. It is this Mico that the government wishes to increase. Today capped at 747 eurosit could switch to 847 euros through the reform. However, even with part of complementary pension potential, it is impossible to say that the minimum amount of 1,200 euros will be reached for everyone.
The services of the Ministry of Labor “estimate, according to the generations, thatbetween 10,000 and 20,000 people will cross the threshold of 1,200 euros gross by this single measure” wrote the Minister of Labor Olivir Dussopt, in a letter addressed to the Socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj, Wednesday March 1, 2023.


The overall retirement pension for civil servants consists mainly of the basic pension. A supplementary scheme, the “additional public service pension (RAFP)” also exists, but is not not concerned over there revaluation of 0,8% retirement pensions. However, the scheme has raised its point of 5,7% on January 1, 2023.

Former state civil servants, who come under the SRE, therefore saw their basic pension increase by 0.8% and their supplementary pension by 5.7% on 1 January 2023.

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