ADHD What did you notice? Is there a way to fix my child from ADHD?

by time news

ADHD How do parents notice symptoms? What causes ADHD? So is there a solution? Let’s find out.

With the rapid social and technological conditions, many people areADHD This is not just for adults or teenagers. But this condition can occur in children as well. But there will be a way to observeADHD symptomshow, and if our children are in theADHDCan it be fixed? Piggy dot com will take you to find the answer.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is common in early childhood. This usually occurs before the age of 7, preventing children from responding to what adults are told. From movement, speech, to attention, in other words, the inability to stay still or follow orders. They are seen as stubborn, undisciplined, unwilling to listen to their parents.

What are the signs of ADHD?

Having said that, it is normal for children to have difficulty paying attention, staying still, listening to instructions or following instructions. but for ADHD These will increase exponentially. more stubborn and more frequent The signs of ADHD in children are as follows:

  • inability to focus for a long time; easily distracted
  • Not being careful, making mistakes, for example, when studying, maybe forgetting to do homework. or lose things often
  • inability to stick to tedious or time-consuming studies or tasks
  • inability to listen or obey instructions
  • Change your current activity frequently and continuously.
  • I can’t organize my work or study.
  • inability to sit still, especially in a quiet place
  • restless
  • not concentrating on doing things
  • Can’t wait in line
  • Doing things without thinking
  • interfering
  • no sense of danger

These symptoms can cause major problems in a child’s life, such as not completing school. Poor social interactions with children and other adults and discipline problems, for example.


What causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is caused by many reasons. But what is interesting is that it is hereditary. Many children with ADHD have a parent or relative with ADHD. And there will be a greater risk if they are preterm children. get toxic from the environment ADHD isn’t caused by too much screen time or poor parenting. Parents, don’t blame yourself.

How to cure a child’s attention deficit how can i do

Although ADHD is not caused by poor parenting. But there are effective parenting strategies that can address these behavioral problems. Because children with ADHD need consistency. clear communication and reward a child for good when he obeys the order. Plus, they need lots of love, support, and encouragement. Here are some ways that parents can help.

  • Arrange a table for your child in proportion. Help your child stay focused and organized by doing daily activities. Simplify your child’s activity schedule. and try to keep him busy with healthy activities.
  • set clear rules by having to explain to understand what he will get if he disobeys the order And what do you get if you obey? Also, don’t forget to reward him every time you tell him.
  • Promote exercise and sleep Exercise improves concentration and promotes brain growth. Importantly, it also makes children with ADHD sleep better. This will help reduce symptoms of ADHD.
  • Make time to eat healthy food. By making a healthy meal or snack schedule for your child every 3 hours and reducing junk food. including sugary foods
  • Teach your children good interactions, for example by helping them become better listeners. Learn to read people’s faces and body language. and interact with others more smoothly

Don’t get irritated or angry about your child’s ADHD symptoms. But parents have to be patient and understand them a lot and this disease will get better in the end.

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