Adidjatou Mathys calls for the involvement of all stakeholders

by time news

2023-05-22 01:29:37

Views: 9

The Minister of Labor and Public Service, Adidjatou Mathys, proceeded on Friday, May 19, 2023 in Pobè, to the launch of the Campaign “Zero Tolerance to Child Labor” followed by public awareness. This event attracted the attention of an audience of local politico-administrative personalities, central authorities, actors from the world of work, in particular from the crafts sector, religious leaders and guardians of tradition, young people and women.

What you should know: Despite the many efforts made by the government, many children are easy prey for operators, particularly in the crafts, vulcanization and agriculture sectors in the Plateau department. The exposure of children to these activities has many consequences on their safety and health as well as on their morals. Thus, as part of the campaign “Zero tolerance to child labor in sectors with high prevalence of Benin”, Minister Adidjatou Mathys chose this department to mobilize all the actors in the area to get really involved in the campaign for the child protection.

What the authorities say: With supporting figures, Minister Adidjatou Mathys stressed that child labor still persists and that despite the government’s efforts, the Plateau department is one of the territories that are still resisting progress in this area. “The downward trend in the national prevalence rate, which fell from 52.5% in 2014 to 19.9% ​​in 2021, according to the results of the second MICS survey, still hides disparities between departments and sectors of activity” , informs Adidjatou Mathys. For an improvement of the situation in the said department so that it is counted among the leading departments for the protection of children’s rights in Benin, the minister requested the active involvement of all stakeholders. These include, among others, labor inspectors, social workers, agents of the republican police, officials of the mining administration, public prosecutors and judges for minors, actors of civil society, officials professional associations, social partners, opinion leaders, crowned heads and others. The Departmental Director of Labor and the Public Service of the Plateau (DDTFP/P), Bertrand Tahounga, the Mayor of the Communal Children’s Council of Pobè, Kowam Abiossè and the President of the Collectif des Artisans, Faessol D. Zannou, all welcomed this government initiative. They urged the Executive to continue its efforts for the well-being of Beninese children. As for the Mayor of the commune of Pobè, Simon Adébayo Dinan and the Prefect of the Plateau department, Daniel Valère Setonnougbo, they promised to play their part for the cause of children and made a commitment to work to combine the sad reality of the economic exploitation of children in the Plateau.

Between the lines : This campaign, the general objective of which is to contribute to the elimination of child labor in Benin, will run for four (04) months. It includes phases of awareness-raising, popularization of the content of the various child protection texts, inspection visits and monitoring of the living and working conditions of children, followed by operations to withdraw children who are victims of the worst forms of work.

#Adidjatou #Mathys #calls #involvement #stakeholders

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