Adolf Hitler means the destruction of the German Reich – Frankfurter Zeitung from 1923

by time news

2023-11-04 15:29:04

In the manner of a state general gazette, the Bavarian General State Commissariat publishes advertising notices in the Munich press from time to time, informing the public that “authoritative” personalities from all parts of the Reich have written letters of recognition and encouragement for the deeds that have already taken place and are still to be expected from the General State Commissioner Eugen Ritter von Kahr.

There will certainly be right-wing people in the north and east who believe that Germany’s salvation will come from the Bavarian State Commissioner General, and not only the Kahr press in Munich, but also northern German newspapers are vying to arouse and maintain this belief strengthen. But it is a misconception, born of a complete misunderstanding of the nature of the forces that stand behind Mr. von Kahr and on which he relies.

Kahr is “white-blue”, certainly not in the sense of separatism that wants to separate Bavaria from the Reich and perhaps lead its own life as a Bavarian kingdom with Tyrol, Salzburg, etc. It’s easy to believe that Kahr’s politics want to be “German,” but they are distinctly Bavarian in origin and color. It contains the spirit of the good Bavarian middle and lower bourgeoisie that predominates in Munich and southern Bavaria’s economy and popular mood. It is characteristic that his “popularity” is praised as Kahr’s strength.

This bourgeoisie is the real bearer of popularity of all social classes; it has the naive joy, the purely emotional belief in people who come from its milieu, who somehow stand out from it, but who remain spiritually closely connected to it. In the old days, in the quiet pre-war times, the most popular man was some military bandmaster who made music in one of Munich’s cellars. Today, when Munich has become political, where it has stopped doing what a cultural historian in 1839 wished it had as eternal virtues: “dancing, drinking Bavarian beer and being hospitable to strangers,” it needs one popular politician who makes politics, who understands the petty bourgeoisie.

This policy is monarchical-federalist, i.e. reactionary, in that it wants to bring back the good old days, the time when life was cheap and good in Munich, where the splendor of the court pleased the eyes and the affability of the regent and the princes moved the hearts, where people cursed Prussia without much ulterior motive and even raised their fist threateningly against Berlin.

Today this policy abolishes the Prussian republic protection laws, takes on the duty of the Reichswehr as a “trustee”, refuses “Prussian” taxes, wants its own Bavarian army, its own Bavarian railway and post office, not only because of the pretty blue uniforms, but also because of the white-blue personnel policy, which ensured the supply of domestic candidates and the preservation of party influence.

“Through white-blue to black-white-red”

The anti-Marxism of Kahr’s politics is only rooted in the political insofar as it is an opponent of socialist unitarism and centralism. But actually it is of an economic nature, it is the opposition of medium and small companies to the union and one of the first measures of the State Commissioner was to ban the strike, the wage movement. The rest of the economic program has the same features: from anti-Semitism, which attributes all economic misery to the Jews, to the plans against tourism, which causes the high prices.

How telling is the gesture that sought to cheapen the all-too-expensive beer bank politicization by setting prices that were quickly thrown out the window! And the “senior teacher” associated with it is associated with this bourgeoisie. He created the redemptive slogan: “Through white-blue to black-white-red,” he became intoxicated with ideal-filled, powerful speeches that were intended to crush the enemy, liberate the German people and restore German power. He also makes Mr. von Kahr a “dictator,” a man of great historical deeds, and in doing so ignores all reality.

#Adolf #Hitler #means #destruction #German #Reich #Frankfurter #Zeitung

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