Adolfo Rodríguez Saá joined Cambia San Luis, against his brother

by time news

After the furious war between the brothers Rodríguez Saáin saint Louis the news generated a political quake: Adolfo, the senatorwill not be a candidate for governor and his space “Todos Unidos” joined the motto “Change Saint Louis”, that has as its main reference the opponent Claudio Poggi.

Now, the opposition to the governor’s dolphin Alberto Rodriguez Saa it becomes even stronger 90 days after the San Luis election. Adolfo, five times governor of San Luis, had threatened to make the decision to go with the opposition if his brother did not let him compete for Peronism, from which he was banned in 2019.

For this reason, after giving Alberto an ultimatum, which was not answered, his space was added to the “Provincial Program Convergence”. The president of “Todos Unidos”, Lucrecia Soria, signed the constitutive act of the motto “Cambia San Luis”, together with the other authorities.

In that document it is expressed that the members of that convergence will present the sublemma “Joined” within the motto Change Saint Louis “to compete in all the provincial and municipal positions summoned for June 11 and whose candidate for governor will be a person who has never competed for that position before.”

Thus, the following spaces remained within Cambia San Luis: Avanzar San Luis, Claudio Poggi; Radical Civic Union, Juan Alvarez Pinto; PRO, Gabriela Gonzalez Riollo; “Provincial Programmatic Convergence”: Todos Unidos: Lucrecia Soria and Renewal Action: Pablo Zamora; MID: Augusto Alume; Free South, Joaquin Mansilla; NOS, Sergio Sanchez Di Gennaro; Mercedinos for Change, Veronica Herrera; San Luiseños for Change, Veronica Causi; Democratic Party, Rubén Ferradas; GEN, Eduardo Borkowki; Puntano Exodus, Elio Vazquez; Socialist look, Marcelo Juarez; together we can Alfredo Michaut.


Adolfo had announced at the end of January his candidacy for governor to try to replace Alberto. But the provincial president, who manages the local PJ and who managed to expel his brother from the party, prevented him from competing within Peronism. From there, the tension was increasing.

“If we are an authentic expression of Justicialism, why don’t they allow the movement to meet and decide who the candidates are?” Adolfo asked at the end of January, after announcing that he wanted to compete again for the governorship, which he held in five periods. When applying, he had given his brother Alberto de él until February 15 to re-affiliate him with the PJs pointfrom where he expelled him in 2019. It did not happen.

For this reason, the demonstrations began in mid-February: a group of people entered the basic unit of the PJ with Argentine flags and the legend “Adolfo we love you”, to show their discontent at the governor’s inaction. In order for them to stop their attempted occupation, they cut off their water and internet: after 48 hours the group of protesters withdrew.

As NEWS had announced, Adolfo pointed out that if they did not allow him to join Justicialismo and compete against Alberto’s candidate, former judge Jorge “Gato” Fernández, would participate outside, with the opposition. “You have to make a provincial convergence, an agreement with other political parties that are not in the ruling party,” he declared publicly. In a province where the slogan law was reinstated, subtracting votes from the PJ to add them to another political force could be lethal for the governor’s political aspirations. Weeks later, he made that warning come true.

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