This draft decree comes into force in application of Law No. 70.21, which amends and supplements Organic Law No. 44.14. The decree aims to simplify the conditions for exercising the right to submit petitions, as well as to adopt digitalization in this area. This was announced by Mustapha Baitas, the Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and government spokesperson, during a press briefing following the meeting.
Specifically, the decree amends Article 4 of Decree No. 2.16.773 to align it with Article 9 of the aforementioned organic law. This sets a deadline of 60 days for the Petitions Committee to transmit its opinion and proposals to the Head of Government, instead of the previous 30-day deadline.
This amendment is intended to give the committee sufficient time to thoroughly examine the petitions from both the substance and form perspectives, and to harmonize Article 14 of the decree with Article 2 of the organic law regarding the possibility of collecting “lists of support” for petitions through the petition portal. This change aims to simplify the process of collecting signatures and presenting them.
Additionally, the Government Council adopted draft decree no. 2.23.961 in accordance with the decree renewing the license granted to the company “MORATEL SA” under decree no. 2.03.193 (May 22, 2003).
This draft decree was presented by the Minister Delegate for Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour.