ADP rejects Education contest for monitors

by time news

The Dominican Association of Teachers (ADP) expressed this Tuesday his total rejection of the call of the Ministry of Education al “Contest-Evaluation” selective to choose the monitors who teach in classrooms, established by departmental order 057-2023, and demanded that a technical commission from the union be received “urgently” to address the issue.

Their argument is that this would violate the General Education Law, the Teacher Statute, the Teaching Career System of the Dominican Republic and the Professional and Performance Standards for the Evaluation and Certification of the Teaching Career.

“In this sense, article 217 of the General Education Law refers to the hierarchies of legal regulations, clarifying that departmental orders are complementary to laws, decrees and regulations, for which reason they cannot contradict or violate the norms established in the previous ones”, he indicated.

a few days ago the Ministry of Education announced that this portfolio would regularize more than 4,000 monitors that “they had supported the teaching-learning process for more than a year.”

“Through Departmental Order 057/2023, Minister Ángel Hernández called to participate in the contest-assessment monitors to those servants of Ministry of Education appointed as Monitor, who teach in the classroom at the Educational Levels, Subsystems, the Academic, Technical-Professional and Arts modalities of the structure of the Dominican Pre-University Educational System, and who have not formally entered the Teaching Career”, he said.

The union indicated, in a document, that it wishes to clarify to Education that the public and open nature of the contest of opposition, contemplated in article 16 of the Regulation of the Teaching Statute, is what guarantees that the most qualified candidates can enter the teaching positions.

“This is why, when performing the contest selective, as proposed by Departmental Order 057-2023, with a closed group of participants, this article is violated and the competitive nature of the process is eliminated. contest for admission to the teaching function ”, he stated in the statement.

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