Adrien Quatennens back in the National Assembly

by time news

Adrien Quatennens returned this Wednesday morning to the National Assembly. The Insoumis MP, convicted of domestic violence, currently sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee to participate in an information report on the reform of the diplomatic corps.

He had indicated in December that he intended to return “probably as early as January” but whose entourage has since been silent.

“In rebellious France he will be discreet, he was advised to come back to the committee, to work there and defend his amendments, confides a close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to the Parisian. Because he is good, he has to show his good sides. He has an ease, certainties, a mastery of himself. He has to come back to the basics. »

On December 13, the LFI group suspended the deputy from the North from its ranks for four months, but the television interview given the next day by the person concerned caused an outcry, with some rebels believing that the decision should be reconsidered. LFI activists have since been torn apart on social networks over the Quatennens case.

“I didn’t kill anyone”

“My intention is to return” to the Assembly, said Adrien Quatennens in this interview, after his four-month suspended sentence for a slap and repeated text messages to his wife.

“The work in the constituency did not stop, my parliamentary office was open almost every day during this period. I myself have activity in the constituency, ”he argued.

“I did not kill anyone, I did not rape anyone, I have no blood on my hands”, he defended himself on the merits. “I just ask for the proportion and I just want to be able to resume normal parliamentary activity.”

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