Adrien Quatennens, farewell to the queen, typhoon in Japan … the news of this weekend – Liberation

by time news

Most of the news from this weekend.


Adrien Quatennens recognizes violence against his wife. “I know that no explanation, no matter how harsh, and no context, no matter how complex the situation, justifies these behaviors.” The rebellious deputy announced on Sunday that he would withdraw from his duties as coordinator of his political party, after acts of domestic violence committed against his wife. He had announced in the week that the latter had filed a handrail.

New name for a meaning to macronie. Saturday at the Louvre, the presidential party gave itself another name and new leaders. Behind a facade of brotherhood, his unity behind Emmanuel Macron is already fragile. The Renaissance congress was above all an opportunity to look back, more than six years after the creation of En Marche, nearly five years after the first speech by Emmanuel Macron elected President – ​​it was a few meters higher, on the plaza. Failing, for the macronists, to know exactly, for the future, the direction of the march.

Britain prepares to bury its queen. Britons continued to queue this weekend in London to pay their respects to Elizabeth II. A 16-kilometer queue has formed in recent days to allow His Majesty’s subjects to bid him a final farewell. And this until Monday morning 6:30 am, time at which the doors of Westminster will close for the long-awaited funeral. Many Heads of State and Government are already there to attend the funeral, which will begin at 11 a.m. (noon in Paris).

International reactions after the discovery of the Izioum mass grave. In the aftermath of the macabre discovery of a mass grave in Izium, the Czech EU Presidency decided to react on Saturday by calling for the creation of an international tribunal for war crimes, after the discovery of hundreds of bodies near Izioum, a city recaptured from the Russians in Ukraine. “In the 21st century, such attacks against the civilian population are unthinkable and heinous, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, said on Twitter on Saturday. We must not ignore it. We are for the punishment of all war criminals. I call for the rapid establishment of a special international tribunal.”

Japan under the strong winds and torrential rains of Typhoon Nanmadol. On the island of Kyushu, in the south of the archipelago, thousands of people took refuge in shelters and the circulation of trains and planes was stopped when the typhoon touched the coasts on Sunday. In less than 24 hours, gusts reaching 234 km/h were recorded as well as 500 mm of rain in certain areas. A tsunami alert was also issued and then lifted during the day after the powerful earthquake in Taiwan.

Storm Fiona crosses Guadeloupe. The storm hit the island overnight from Friday to Saturday before moving away Saturday night. Gusty winds “up to 100 to 120 km/h” occurred, according to meteorologists. region. The island’s roads were cut and the prefecture announced the death of a man, “carried away with his house” by the waves. “The flooding of the Rivière des Pères swept away a dwelling in Basse-Terre and its occupant”, which was “found deceased”, said the prefect. President Emmanuel Macron announces that “the state of natural disaster will be recognized and the overseas relief fund mobilized”.

Paul Pogba case : his brother Mathias and four men indicted. A judicial investigation had been opened for acts of financial extortion denounced by the French footballer. The suspects had been taken into custody earlier this week. Mathias Pogba admitted to being behind the video threatening his brother released on August 27. He was indicted for extortion and placed under the more favorable status of assisted witness for the facts of kidnapping which took place on the night of March 19 to 20. Mathias Pogba is currently in pre-trial detention.

France faces Spain in the final of the Euro Basketball. The ultimate game of these European championships is an old refrain: the indestructible Blues are once again struggling with Spain, scarecrow and modern rival, often the fall of the French team at the Euro (2009, 2011, 2015 ) as at the Olympic Games (2012 and 2016). Kick off at 8:30 p.m.

FIFA World Cup in Qatar: bring the Cup to reason. Two months before the competition, the work of NGOs and the criticisms aimed at Doha will not have been enough to hinder the great rout of globalized football. But the controversy will have had the merit of drawing attention to the way major sporting events are organised. Read our analysis here.

The “Monaco battalion”: when the Ukrainian oligarchs find refuge on the Côte d’Azur. Fleeing the war, wealthy Ukrainian MPs and businessmen have taken up residence in Nice or Monte-Carlo. An investigation by the media “Ukrayinska Pravda” is prompting the Kyiv authorities to take an interest in their conditions of exile and the conduct of their business from the south of France.

In Brittany, pro and anti oppose on a project to welcome refugees in the streets of Callac. In the small town in the center of the region, two rallies were organized on Saturday, a first to call for Reconquest and a second in support of the municipality. Still in gestation, the initiative, wanted by the new mayor, aims to welcome several families to revitalize the town. The report can be read here.

Hives on the roofs: in the city, bees spin the bumblebee to pollinators. If it aims to protect the living, urban beekeeping also produces perverse effects. Domestic and wild pollinators compete over limited territories, while start-ups seek above all to take advantage of the “bee-washing” trend. Our survey.

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