Adrien Quatennens summoned on December 13 for a “guilty plea”

by time news

The deputy (La France insoumise) Adrien Quatennens is summoned on December 13 in Lille for an appearance on prior recognition of guilt (CRPC) in the case of violence against his wife, Céline Quatennens, who made him withdraw from The political life.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Adrien Quatennens affair plunges rebellious France into embarrassment

“Mr. Quatennens was summoned to appear before the public prosecutor in the form” of this procedure, a ” to plead guilty “told Agence France-Presse his lawyer Me Jade Dousselin, confirming information from BFM-TV. “The facts against him are the slap that took place more than a year ago in an already mentioned context of mutual aggressiveness and the text messages he sent after their separation and whose lack of maliciousness had already recognized”she clarified.

“No other offence, in particular that of harassment retained at the start of the investigation, has been retained”, she added. The deputy has “accepted this procedure in the continuity of its desire for truth and exemplarity”, in this case, she put forward. He has “was able to indicate during the investigation with the police and justice the reciprocity of the tensions within his couple” pending separation, she noted.

Return attempt

The CRPC allows the prosecutor to propose a sentence to a defendant who acknowledges the facts with which he is charged. If this proposal is accepted, it is submitted to a judge for approval during a public hearing.

The announcement of the launch of this procedure comes as La France insoumise tries to plan a return of Adrien Quatennens to the National Assembly, two months after he admitted violence against his wife, including a slap. He had made this admission after a publication of the chained duck referring to a handrail deposited by his wife.

The Lille prosecutor’s office announced in mid-September that it had opened an investigation as part of its “proactive criminal policy for the treatment of domestic violence”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Quatennens affair, revealing the limits of La France insoumise

Céline Quatennens then filed a second handrail on text messages sent by her husband, then filed a complaint against him on September 26, according to Ms.e Dousselin, “without adding anything new” to those contained in its handrails.

Two months after the deputy’s confession to domestic violence, the return of Adrien Quatennens to the Assembly, for which Jean-Luc Mélenchon has repeatedly said he is in favor, is complicated by the pressure and reluctance of certain elected officials and feminists. Since withdrawing, the Northern MP resurfaced on November 13 with two tweets following the collapse of buildings in Lille.

The World with AFP

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