Ads in the right context

by time news

2023-08-30 21:00:28

When it comes to brand strength, most media outlets have a responsibility beyond their own value. The performance of ads on a media platform depends on many factors, including how well the campaign itself is executed and how well the advertiser’s brand personality aligns with that of its media partner’s brand. But success also depends on how receptive consumers are to seeing advertising on their favorite platforms in the first place, a variable we call “ad capital.”

Research using Kantar’s ContextLab solution shows that campaigns have a seven times greater impact, when ads are viewed in a context where consumers are receptive to advertising. Media Reactions 2022 showed, for example, that the technology brand Amazon had the highest advertising value, among media brands globally. Amazon is the media brand whose ads are preferred by consumers in four markets: Germany, Italy, Egypt and Colombia.

Why is Amazon so successful, not only as an e-commerce and streaming brand, but also as an advertising platform? Its advertising is seen as the most relevant and useful worldwide. Amazon has also increased the perception of trustworthiness of the ads on its platform, having addressed concerns about excessive and unhelpful “targeting”, compared to previous years.

In this sense, TikTok was highlighted in 2022, as number two in advertising value among consumers, after having been the leader in the previous two years. Compared to its competitors, TikTok ads are considered the most fun and entertaining globally. Another area of ​​note for them is that they are leaders in ad fairness, among Gen X audiences. We should also highlight Spotify, which ranks third, as it is one of the least controversial brands and has very few negative perceptions.

The advertising value of a brand depends on its personality and the actual content it generates on its digital or traditional media properties. The proposal in the correct selection of advertising media (channels) is a decision that is made separately, it is of great importance and must be considered as something of its own that will influence the user experience.

Today, it is no longer enough to generate valuable content that is suitable for the patient community, with availability at the time of search or interest, currently we need to have adequate content in channels or media of high interest, to achieve a successful conversion.

Fuente: Explore how to improve the performance of advertising across media platforms. (n.d.).

Alejandro Zayas has a degree in Marketing with more than 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Pharma, CHC, Ot’x and Medical Devices.

#Ads #context

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